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It's been four months since the couple came back from South Shields, and Perrie had been dedicating a lot of time to starting her brand, so they haven't been spending as much time together. Jade understood, and she supported her girlfriend. That didn't mean she didn't miss her though, so today she decided to visit the blonde.

She arrived at Perrie's building and was immediately let in as everyone knew her already. She got in and was in front of Perrie's apartment when she knocked on the door.

"J'adore!" Perrie said she pulled Jade for a hug and kiss. "I missed you, baby."

"I missed you too; that's why I came" the smaller Geordie said with her arms still around the taller woman's neck.

"I'm happy you're here. I was just about to order some food. Want something?"

"Yeah, what are you having?"


"Great" they ordered their food and set the table. Perrie dimmed the lights for a more romantic mood as they ate and talked. She missed her girlfriend, and she knew that she wasn't giving Jade the attention she deserved, but starting a company from scratch was a lot of work.

"Babe, I can tell you're stressed. What is it?" Jade asked as she stood behind Perrie lightly massaging her shoulders.

"It's just that I've been looking into factories because I want to make it sustainable, but nothing has been working out. It's been so hectic, and I haven't been giving you the attention you deserve. Also, I've booked Tom Ford, but so did that bitch, Erin, and now I have to work with her. So I feel like everything is a bit shit at the moment."

"Pez, breathe" Jade said, noticing that the blonde's breathing had become a little faster. Perrie struggled with anxiety, and quick enough, Jade learned how to deal with her panic attacks; often times, she could calm Perrie down before they happened. It didn't happen too often, but when it did, the younger woman was grateful to have Jade by her side.

"How about I prepare you a good bubble bath, give you a massage, and later we can cuddle, and I'll make hot chocolate for us?"

"That sounds lovely," Perrie replied as she calmed her breathing.

"Ok, be right back," Jade said before parting with a quick kiss.

Perrie was feeling a lot better after her bath. She was now in her room wearing her yellow Versace robe. She found Jade lying on her bed reading a book and wearing a matching robe but in black. She thought about the domesticity of it all—they having dinner together, sleeping and waking up together, watching RuPaul's drag race with Jade cussing if her favorite drag got eliminated. She decided that she wanted that every day, and since they've been together for a year already, it wasn't unreasonable.

"Hey Pez, I haven't seen you there" Jade said with that cute smile of hers, and Perrie couldn't take it anymore. She didn't say anything and exited the room. The brunette looked at her confused until she came back and sat beside Jade.

"Give me your hand." The brunette obliged, and she felt what seemed like a key being placed on her hand.

"Pez, is that..?" Before she could finish, Perrie spoke.

"The days we spend together are the happiest days for me and hopefully for you too. I want to have days like that every day. So, would you like to move in with me?"

"Of course, babe, I would love nothing more than to be with you every day." Jade replied, hugging the blonde. "They are my happiest days too"

After backing away a little, Perrie cupped Jade's cheek with one hand and leaned in to kiss her. The kiss soon got heated, causing them to moan in unison as their tongues met. Jade sat on Perrie's lap and brought her hands to the blonde strands and pulled them back while resting her arms on her shoulders. Perrie brought her hands to the brunette's ass and squeezed, she slid her mouth down her neck and went back the same way until she reached Jade's soft lips. They kissed again. Jade circled her hips hard over Perrie's lap, who held her ass tightly, helping her rub herself against her.

The blonde ran her hands down Jade's robe, opening it. She bit her lower lip as her eyes fell on her breasts. She ran her hands up to them and grabbed them, she sucked them one at a time, sucking, biting, and licking all over, making Jade moan.  After giving attention to Jade's breasts, Perrie went back to kissing her neck. She eagerly licked each exposed part until their lips met again and they shared a kiss.

Their hands slid down their bodies, searching for more of that contact. Perrie stood up with Jade still tied around her waist, she turned to face the bed, threw Jade on it and got on top of her. They locked lips in an intense kiss. Moans were inevitable as their tongues met and Perrie's hands slid down Jade's body, exploring all of her naked skin. Jade pushed the blonde's robe off of her and slid her hands down Perrie's back and ran her nails all over her skin. Perrie thrust her hips hard into Jade's, and she let out another moan.

"Fuck Pez"

Perrie brought her right hand up to Jade's pussy and felt how wet she was.

"Did I make you this wet?" she asked.

"Yes" Jade moaned with desire.

The blue-eyed woman entered Jade with two fingers, who moaned between the kisses and sucked hard on her lower lip, bringing the blonde to her. She moaned again into Perrie's mouth as she felt her thrust her fingers deeper inside her. Perrie increased the pace of the strokes, and Jade wrapped her arms around her neck. The blonde ran her mouth over her breasts and gave both of them the attention they deserved. She licked and sucked on her nipples and then moved downward, running the tip of her tongue over Jade's abdomen.

She ran her tongue over the entire length of Jade's slit and made her arch her body, holding onto the sheets. Perrie moaned as she tasted the brunette. The hot, soaking sex was making Perrie lose her senses. She ran her tongue over her clit several times before releasing it. Jade moaned loudly and moved her hips for more. Perrie again ran her tongue in circular motions over Jade's clit, shifting her gaze to her. Perrie kept moving and staring at Jade's facial expressions. With one last hard thrust of her fingers, Perrie felt as Jade came apart, giving her a strong and intense orgasm. She contorted her hips into Perrie's skilled mouth and moaned loudly, Perrie withdrew her fingers and sucked every last drop of her cum. Perrie climbed back up her body, and they shared an intense kiss.

Jade pushed Perrie by the shoulders so she could lay on her back and climbed on top of her.

"Now it's my turn."

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