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It's been one year and four months since Perrie decided to venture into a new career; it's been a month since she officially launched her brand, and she couldn't be happier with the outcome. She still did some work as a model but was quite selective as she dedicated herself to her brand. Everything was sold out in the first couple of days.

Leigh Anne had been of great help since she had a brand herself. Leigh and Perrie also became great friends; the three of them were always together, and Leigh couldn't wish for someone better for Jade to have a relationship with. She was never really fond of Jade's previous boyfriends, but with Perrie, they instantly clicked.

The next day would be an important day; it was Perrie and Jade's two-year anniversary. They have been living together for a year, and Perrie was over the moon. She planned a very romantic trip to Paris. She knew how much Jade needed that trip because she was stressed out with a few things going wrong with the software she was working on, and Perrie herself has been stressed with the launch of her brand.

They would stay for four days before they had to head back to reality, and now they were in the elevator going to their hotel room.

"Thank you for this trip, baba; we haven't had the chance to see anything properly yet, and everything is incredible already" Jade said while hugging Perrie's waist.

"You're welcome baby" the blonde replied, leaving a kiss on her head. "Although I already do have the most incredible view at home"

"I know our penthouse has a great view, but it is not the same"

"Who says I'm talking about the penthouse? I'm talking about my beautiful girlfriend" She replied with a smile, and the brunette couldn't help but blush. "I love that I still make you blush"

"I guess it will never stop because I won't stop being smitten with you" They shared a sweet kiss before the elevator door opened and they went to their room.

They rested the first night because they got there late. On their second day, they went to a typical French cafe and later to the museum. They came back to the hotel rested, showered, and dressed up to get ready for dinner.

"Where are we going?"

"I'm not going to tell you babe" the blonde said with a smirk.

"You know I don't like surprises" Jade whined, still with a smile on her face.

"And still you date me knowing that I'll do them for you"

"I only love your surprises because I love you" the brunette said, standing on her tiptoes to peck Perrie's lips.

"Good, I hope you'll like this one. Now let's go because we can't be late"

They finally arrived at the top of the Eiffel Tower, where there was a dinner table set up with candle lights.

"Wow! Pez, you arrenged all this?" she asked with a huge smile on her face.

"I did; you deserve the world. Now let's sit down"

They enjoyed their amazing dinner, but Jade could tell that Perrie was a little fidgety and nervous, even though she was still great company.

"Wanna look at the view?" the blonde asked.


They were standing and looking at the view.

"It's so beautiful here" Jade said, she turned to say that to her girlfriend, but she didn't see her. When she looked down, she saw Perrie on her knees. She was shocked, to say the least, and happy at the same time.

"Jade, two years ago I went to a bar, having no idea that I would find the love of my life there. You've been by my side through my happy and my challenging moments; we've been through some shitty things, specifically at the beginning" she said with a little chuckle, "but I think it only made us stronger, and it made me see even more that I don't want to spend another day of my life without you. So Jade Amelia Thirlwall, will you marry me?"

"Oh my god, Perrie! Yes, absolutely yes!" Jade said, squealing while crying happy tears. As soon as Perrie got up and put the ring on her finger, Jade jumped on her. They hugged and kissed, pouring out all their love.

"Good morning, fiancé" Perrie said with a giant smile on her face while bringing Jade breakfast in bed.

"Morning fiancé" Jade replied with a huge smile. They shared a quick kiss and Perrie sat beside her.

"Holy shit, we're getting married" the blonde said in disbelief.

"Hey, no backing out now" the brunette joked.

"I wouldn't dream of it" Perrie replied, giving Jade a soft kiss.

"I love your freckles; they're so cute" Jade said, caressing the blonde's cheeks, and Perrie gave her a shy smile.

"Awn, now I'm the one who made you shy" Jade said playfully.

"Oh, shut up you" Perrie joked. She could definitely get used to having every morning like this.

They ate their breakfast and were now cuddling in bed.

"Pez, do you think we should call our moms and tell them we're engaged? It's going to be a while since we'll see them in person again."

"Yeah, that's a good idea; we should tell Leigh too, otherwise she's going to slap us back to the UK" Jade laughed and agreed.

"Can you get my robe for me?" The brunette asked.

"But you're closer to it" the blonde countered.

"But I don't think I can walk right now" she replied with a smirk, and Perrie had a big smile while getting up to fetch it.

They FaceTimed their moms, and both Norma and Debbie were extremely happy with the news. Debbie joked that she wanted grandchildren since she didn't have any yet. They also called Leigh Anne, who even cried when they told her. She was also very happy for them, and of course she couldn't help but comment on the huge hickey on Jade's neck, leaving the girl embarrassed and Perrie laughing.

Before they hung up, Leigh told them she also had some news.

"What is it, Leigh?" Jade was curious.

"I'm pregnant"

"Oh my god, Leigh, congratulations. Your babas are going to be the cutest" Jade replied.

"We are so happy for you. How far along are you?" Perrie asked.

"Three months, and that's not all" she paused "It's twins."

"Oh my god, I'm going to be a double auntie. That's so cute" the blonde said happily.

They talked for a while about Leigh's babies and also about their plans for their wedding. Leigh had already claimed the maid of honor position, but they assured her it was already hers. The couple enjoyed their time in Paris before they would go on a new adventure together, planning their wedding and entering married life.

A/N: Next chapter will be the final one. Hope you guys enjoyed the story and thanks for the reads and comments 💗

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