Our World

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Jade and Perrie were in bed when Jade's phone rang.

"Hey Leigh" Jade said, a little breathless.

"Hi Jadey. How are you guys?

"We're great; what about you and Andre?"

"Girl, why are you so breathless? Oh my god! Did I call you mid-sex?" Leigh teased.

"We actually just finished" Perrie yelled in the background, causing Leigh Anne to laugh.

"Pez, shut up!" Jade slapped her arm. "Anyway, what do you need?"

"Well, it's Andre and my anniversary, so we wanted to take some time for ourselves, you know. The twins are three now, and we've basically not been alone for three years, so I was going to ask if you and Pez can take care of the twins for a day and a half so we can go to the lake house."

"Yes girl, get some." Jade joked in an American accent, "We can take them for sure; just tell us the day."

"Thanks, you're both lifesavers."

"You're welcome Leigh" the geordies replied in unison.

Leigh had dropped Brianna and Jada off at the Thirlwall-Edwards residence. The day with the twins went well; they went to the park with them, played with them, and watched cartoons. The twins also loved their new dog, Hatchi.

Now that they were putting them to bed, Jade stood at the door, admiring the scene before her. Perrie was on the guest room's bed with one girl cuddling on each side while she read a story, making different voices for different characters.

Jade started wondering what it would be like if they had one of their own. They had this conversation in their second year of marriage but decided that they didn't want kids at the moment. Now Jade has started reconsidering a little.

With the money Perrie and Jade made, they had a wealth lifestyle, so they decided they wanted to do something more with it. Every year they chose a different charity or cause to donate to, and not only that, they volunteered as well. This year, they were going to an orphanage in South Shields. They donated some money, and today they were taking a loads of toys and were going to meet and play with the children.

The kids were all having a lot of fun, but they noticed a little girl away from everyone; she was looking like she wanted to participate but stayed in the corner. She was very beautiful; she was black, had big curly brown hair and was wearing a cute dress with little rainbows on it. She seemed to be about five years old. The couple decided to approach her.

"Hi, I'm Perrie, and this is my wife Jade" the blonde introduced them as they sat down on the floor in front of the girl.

"Hi, I'm Gabrielle, but you can call me Gabbie" the girl replied with a smile "You two look like real-life princesses"

"Thank you, you too. You're very pretty" Jade said smiling back at her.

"Thank you" the girl replied shyly.

"Why are you here and not with the other kids?" Perrie asked.

"The other kids don't play with me that much" she said, as if she was used to it. Jade knew exactly how this girl was feeling and she sure shouldn't feel this way.

"How about the three of us play a special game?" Jade asked, and the girl's eyes lit up, and she nodded. They spent almost all day playing with Gabrielle, and she was very upset that they had to leave. Needless to say, both of them were also upset.

It's been a few days since their visit to the orphanage, and Jade can't stop thinking about Gabrielle.

"Pez" she called her wife, who was beside her in bed typing something on her laptop.

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