*requested* My Last Good Dream -Gadreel- *female reader* *on the fluffy side*

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*requested by @DownTheBunnyTrail thank you and I love you! I hope you like it love* (P.S. I'm still writing on my phone because my computer is a dumb whore bag... Anyway, your imagine now!)

I sat on my couch in my sweats and an old baggy T-Shirt, that I've had so long I can't remember where it came from, my long hair was up in a messy bun and my make-up looked anything but good; I sat there watching TV comedy re-runs and drinking hot tea trying to stay awake.

Around 12AM my eyes started to burn and my eye lids got heavy... No! I must stay up, I can't risk sleeping, I can't handle the trauma, pain, and memories that come with sleep, I wish I was strong but I'm not. I can't peacefully sleep after my brother died, ripped apart by demons and tortured in front of me, the demons never got far with me though, an angel popped up and saved me, I believe he was my guardian angel, his name was Gadreel. He was beautiful. he's my last good thought, my last good memory, my last good dream. But I never saw him again, hes left me.

No longer able to hold up my head I fell to sleep, a nice deep, dark sleep, but then I dreamt.

I'm in pitch black yet shadows are running around me, suddenly it's now an alley, demons are surrounding me but I make a break for it anyway, somehow I pushed past the crowd of them and ran, it was freezing and I had no shoes, the icy air hit and but at my face, chills went down my back and I could here the demons right behind me, cackling, yelling, hissing, taunting me, ect. every nasty thing those damn things could do to frighten me they did. I quickly turned the corner to dodge a demon gaining on me. "Y/N" I heard an angelic voice call, Gadreel? My heart swelled at the thought of him coming back for me, at the thought of someone caring about me.

I heard the voice call my name again "Y/N, it is just a dream, you can break free" I heard the voice say.

I ran faster and harder into the cold night, gaining a lot of ground in front and away from the demons, I felt confident that I could wake up and be free if I calmed down but a pack of demons popped up in front of me, I backed up to the wall of the alley and slide down it, they all smirked, the girl in front pulled out her knife "this is going to be fun, pet." I clenched my eyes shut and felt someone shaking my shoulders "Y/N, wake up please" I opened my eyes and could hardly see because of the tears in my eyes, I started crying harder and pulled my knees to my chest, still not able to make anything out because of my dumb tears but I knew I was home and that's what mattered.

"Y/N... What's wrong? I do not understand, why are you crying?" A voice, his voice asked you, "was it a" he fumbled for words "night...mare?"

I nodded, unable to talk because of the tears chocking me. "oh." he said. he sat next to me on the couch and put two fingers on my forehead, I stopped crying and the pain and scare was got.

I looked up at him "What'd you do?" I asked.

"I fixed you." he said "I apologize for breaking and failing you in the first place." He looked down as if ashamed of himself

"What? You didn't fail me, you saved me."

"But I did not save your brother." he said.

I looked down, "you can't sVe everyone Gadreel." I said

"You remember my name? You remembered my name?" He asked

"Of course, you are my guardian angel right?" I asked looking up at him

"No." he said looking at me "but I will fill in for him."

I slightly smiled "I'd like that" I said.

Gadreel grabbed both my arms, and pulled me close to him, was he trying to hug? I took it as just that and wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my head in he chest. he laid back into the couch "I won't let anything hurt you, ever." he said. we sat like that for a while before I fell asleep, the first time I slept without have a nightmare in months.

AN: Sooooooo yeah... I suck at imagines and this was written on my phone, I do have have really bad writers block so this one probably isn't very good, but none the less I do think this helped my writers block and I should be back to writing very soon! Sorry if it was awful but I tried making it longer than my Samandriel one and tried adding more Gadreel than I did Samanriel, of you didn't like this one DownTheBunnyTrail then you have a free request of any imagine for anyone that I'll personally write for you! Because yeah this sucked. anyway, request! Even if you've already requested do it again. I hope yall are enjoying this please give me feed back, good, bad, whatever, please and thank you! Muah Xx -Dannie

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