Dean imagine -Djinn-

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Request:  @missAmerica666 "Could you do an image with a djin in it please but the reader and Dean are already together. Thank you"

Here's to you! I hope you enjoy this!

SPN first appearance:

Sam: Just one thing. I'm pretty sure of it now. We're hunting a djinn.

Dean: A freaking genie?

Sam: Yeah.
Dean: What? You think these suckers can really grant wishes?

Sam: I don't know. I guess they're powerful enough. But not exactly like Barbara Eden in harem pants. I mean, djinn have been feeding off people for centuries. They're all over the Quran.

Weakness: knife dipped in lamb's blood. Extreme brain damage. The Colt.

Signs to identify them: Extreme tattoo


Y/N = Your Name 

*Your POV*

I trek behind Dean with Sam close behind me. We were hiking up a mountain on a hunt. "Don't under estimate this thing." Dean says. 

"These things are extremely dangerous, Y/N." Sam says. 

"I understand, guys."I say. 

"Djinn's are very powerful." Dean says. 

"Don't loose your knife, and only use the one dipped in lamb blood." Sam says.

We reach the old cave. "They like to hide, so keep your eyes open. Be prepared for anything." Dean says to Sam and I.

"Dean. Please. I can handle this." Sam says. 

I touch Dean's shoulder. "We'll be okay. Let's just get this done." I say. 

Dean nods. Dean and I met at school when his dad was on a hunt. John was hunting the creature that killed my parents. After that happened my brother, Max, and I started hunting. A few years ago we ran into a large den of vampires and my brother was killed. The Winchesters showed up and saved me, after that Dean and I started dating. We usually don't hunt together but this case is a hard one. Djinn's aren't a usual monster. 

Dean heads in first, then me, then Sam right behind me. We enter the cave, it was covered in old things. Furniture, clothes, trash, blankets, ect. We continued until hitting two tunnels. "I'll go by myself." Sam whispered as he started down one of the tunnels. 

"No way. These things are to dangerous." Dean argued. 

"Dean, I've fought these things before. Just let me go." Sam said. 

"No." Dean said. 

"I'll go on my own." I say. 

"No way. Not a chance." Dean says. 

"Dean, you can't control me. I know how to defend myself. I've hunted almost as long as you and I've never gotten in as much trouble as you have." I snapped. 

"What kind of trouble?!" Dean asked.

I starred at him for a moment. A million of his stupid decisions going through my head. "Dude.. She kind of has a point." Sam says. 

"No. We stick together. End of discussion." Dean says. He starts heading down one tunnel. I huffed, annoyed with him. Sam gave me a sympathetic look then continued after Dean. I was about to follow them when I heard a sound from the other tunnel. It almost sounded like a girl crying. The thought of stopping them crossed my mind but I'm a independent woman, I've been on a million hunts before and I could handle myself. I dropped my keys on the ground in front of the tunnel just so when they noticed I was gone they'd know where I went. 

I started down the tunnel. I was very careful, hugging my back to the wall. I reached an opening in the end of the tunnel. It was definitely a girl crying. I peaked around the wall to see what was going on. The girl was chained up on the wall crying. She was alone which meant the Djinn was gone, but would probably be back soon. We didn't really have time to loose. I decided to call Dean. I was stubborn,not dumb. He didn't answer. Damn it. I guess I'm alone for this one. I started to creep around the wall when I heard footsteps down the tunnel behind me. I hoped it was the boys but I wasn't taking chances. I ducked behind a pile of stuff, garbage really. Unfortunately it wasn't Sam and Dean, it was the Djinn. He entered the room and headed straight for the girl. She started crying more. "Please." She cries. "Please leave me alone." 

I know I should wait for the guys but I can't let him hurt her. He grabs her arm. I stand up and fire my gun. I fired my gun half to get his attention and half to get the boys' attention.  The Djinn quickly turns around. "Now that I've got your attention. I don't like you taking advantage of people." I say.

 "If you think a gun is going to hurt me then you're dumber than you look." he says. 

"Well good things looks are deceiving." I reply. 

I pulled out my knife and went for him. If nothing else I could buy some time until Sam and Dean got here. I swung at him. I fought him best I could without letting him touch me. We fought for a few minutes when he grabbed my arm. I started to feel weak, like all my energy was draining. I fell to the ground. "Hunters... You always think you're invincible. You're all so stupid." He says.

 I wanted to answer. I wanted my last words to be cocky and rude but I couldn't get anything out. I started to fade to black. I thought I heard Dean's voice as I passed out but I couldn't be sure. 


I began to wake up, I was un-oriented and had a massive headache. I could hear Dean, Sam, and Cas. "Are you sure she'll be okay?" Dean asked. 

"Between Sam and I we've done everything there is to be done, Dean." Cas said.

"But I'm sure she'll be okay." Sam said, trying to reassure Dean. 

"You two must suck then because I feel like sh!t." I say, trying to lighten the mood. 

"Hey." Sam said as Dean knelt down next to the bed I was on. I looked around. I think I'm in the bunker. Dean's room to be exact. 

"Hey." i reply smiling. 

Dean sighed. "I'm glad you're okay but that was dumb. That was really dumb. you should have stayed with us, you couldn't handle him on your own. I tried telling you that." he lectured me. 

Sam and Cas awkwardly left the room. "Maybe I failed because you don't believe in me. Did you think of that? I'm fine on my own but you to doubt me everytime we hunt together." I say harshly.

Dean was quiet for a minute. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I just can't loose you." he says.

"How many times have I lost you?"I ask. "Don't justify treating me like a child." 

"you're right." Dean says. 

Wait, what? Dean never backs down. "What?" I ask.

"You're right. I know you can handle yourself, I know Sam can handle himself, I know Charlie can handle herself I knew Bobby could handle himself. Hell, Cas can handle himself better than any of us and I still treat him like this. I just can't loose you guys." Dean confesses. 

"I understand. I just want you to believe in me next time." I say. 

"I'll always believe in you." Dean replies. 

I smile. "Thanks." I say before kissing him.

A/N: SORRY THAT SUCKED BUT IDK HOW TO WRITE DEAN OR SAM IMAGINES. I'm just worried I'll get their personalities wrong then everyone will hate me. But I'll try to do better. 

The Gabriel imagine is coming! A Kevin Tran imagine is in the works but I'm having major writers block with that one. Is there any other imagines that you'd like? Please let me know! 

And hey, this Imagine had 1,265 words which is one of my longest imagines! Just thought you should know.

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