Demons. -Castiel Imagine-

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"She'll be fine, Cas. I'll be there to watch her." Sam reassured Castiel for the 800th time in 20 minutes.

"Sam, you didn't even give her a choice in wether or not she wants to go." Cas said.

"I need her, Cas! She'll be fine!" Sam said.

You sat there, keeping your head down and not talking. Not wanting to go on the hunt or fight with Sam. "I'm sure I'll be fine, Cas." You say, reassuring him and yourself.

"Call, if you need anything." Cas said seriously.


"Y/N!!" Sam yelled.

You turned to look at Sam, taking your eyes off the demon you were fighting for only a split second. You felt a sharp and piercing pain in you back. "NO." Sam scram.

You collapsed on the ground, Sam fought back the demons, but your concentration was lost after you were stabbed a few more times. You couldn't take anymore, you were being beaten by 3 demons after being stabbed countless times.

"Cas." You coughed. "Castiel, help!" You cried. A flutter of wings and then the demons were pulled from you. You tried to turn to look but couldn't move, most likely the blows to you spine. Cas took out a few more demons so Sam got a leveraged. Next thing you knew Cas was by your side, he sat you up enough to see him and held you close.

"Y/N." He said quietly.

"Hey Cassie." You smiled. He touched your forehead, trying to heal you but it didn't work, he tried again. "Cas." You coughed. "Stop."

"I have to heal you." He said.

"No, it's okay. It'll be okay."

"I told you not to come, I told him not to take you."

"It's fine." You say. You paused. "Cas, I don't want to go to hell."

"It's very unlikely you'll go to hell, you're a good person with a beautiful soul." He said.

You laughed, it hurt so bad and lead to you coughing. You were getting super cold. "Dean needs to help you with your people skills." You say.

You started coughing. "I'm so sorry, Y/N." Sam said, sitting next to you and Cas.

You smiled. "It's okay, who stays dead anyway?" You asked. Then darkness, nothing else.


Hey, sorry I haven't been posting lately, I have been very busy. I've moved and been having family problems and school sucks, so I'm very busy. I'm sorry, I'll try to update more! I'd love requests too! This idea was my brothers. (Odd, I know.) so I really have nothing to post about. Anyway, I apologize again. I hope you enjoy!

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