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"That show felt so special." Elodie mumbles, her hand laced tightly with Luke's as they wander back into the hotel.

"Two more shows and we'll be done with the tour." Luke smiles, pulling her away from where she assumed they'd head. The crew had been informed of an end of tour party tonight in the hotel's ballroom.

"Where are we going? Isn't the party that way?" She chuckles, not pulling away as he leads her to the elevator instead.

"I want to show you something first, El." He shrugs, hitting the button for the top floor. "Do you remember this hotel?"

"Ya, this is where we stayed for the Take My Hand Tour, it's where I talked to you for the first time, just over four years ago now."

"Ya." Luke chuckles, "Berlin will always be special for bringing us together. When we got the tour schedule for this year, and I saw the Berlin show was today, it felt like fate or something."


"Because, in three minutes it's my favorite girl's birthday, and without this city, this hotel, this rooftop... I wouldn't necessarily have you." He smiles, guiding her to the access door, leading her up the small staircase to the roof.

"Luke." Elodie gasps as they step out into the night air, the space filled with lights, candles, and flowers.

"Elodie." He chuckles, pulling her towards the set up, turning to face her as he takes both her hands in his, lowering to one knee as she lets a couple tears fall down her cheeks. "Elodie Stewart, I have loved you for four years, through hell and high water we've faced everything together. You were everything I needed when we met, you nurtured me through the darkest part of my life, and I wouldn't be here, or be the man I am, without you. To this day I continue to thank the stars and the moon for the night you found me on this roof at my lowest point, and for every night over the last four years that I've spent by your side under the moonlight. One of the first times you spoke to me, you told me I was worthy of a beautiful and healthy love story, and you were right. I'm so grateful that love story has played out with you, El. I want to spend all my nights with you, and all of my days too, you are my best friend, my person, the love of my life, and I would love nothing more than to make you my wife. Would you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me, pretty girl?"

"Luke." Elodie giggles, wiping her eyes as she bends down to be at eye level with him. "I never would have thought that speaking your name on this roof, and bandaging your arm would lead to all of this. But I could never be happier for the outcome of that night. I took a risk, I was scared to death, but I saw something in you that I couldn't walk away from. Saying your name that night, it was the best decision I ever made, until now." She takes a deep breath, "I love you, Luke Hemmings, and I want nothing more than to be your wife. My answer now and forever is yes. A thousand times yes. I would love to marry you, Lu."

"I love you, pretty girl." Luke grins, slipping the ring onto her finger before pulling her closer by the jaw, kissing her deeply. "Happy twenty-seventh birthday, my fiancée."

"I love the sound of that." El chuckles, pulling Luke down to a seated position with her, kissing him again and again.

"We're engaged, pretty girl." Luke grins, lifting her hand to kiss just to the side of the large diamond now on her finger.

"This ring, Luke, it's exquisite. Thank you." She pulls her own hand up to examine the ring, a large radiant cut diamond (she's not sure she wants to know how many carats) on a simple gold band.

"The perfect girl deserves the perfect ring." He hums, kissing the side of her head.

"And the perfect boy." She giggles, tipping her head until her lips meet his again, and that's when she hears the camera click, "Is Ryan spying on us?" She smirks as she pulls away.

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