Chapter 11 - 20

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ʚChapter 11 The Fourth Natural Disaster?

    Mo Bei ate faster than Tang Bei. After pushing the bowls and chopsticks aside, he continued to pull over the list just now for a closer look, sorting the items to be exchanged from high to low, estimating how much portable food he could give to the other party, and then It is more cost-effective to exchange as many things as possible.

    In addition, some players have to ask about things. I am the sixth one he has met, so what about the first five? What is the situation, is there any possibility of forming an alliance with each other?

    Mo Bei thinks this needs to be considered, and although players from the same origin should cooperate with each other in theory to find a way to go back, there is no absolute... In case an anti-social personality appears, it would be bad to contact rashly heart.

    Besides, it does not rule out that some people are not going well in reality and don't want to go back at all, as well as those who are pessimistic or muddled along. If it was just a game, Mo Bei would naturally let it go, but now the aboriginals living in the base are all real people, so she has to think more about them.

    Especially after getting along these days, it is difficult for Mo Bei to convince himself that they are not real people. They may be digitized in the population book in the service hall, but their daily speech and behavior are completely real people with their own personalities.

    The industrious little Alice will also be lazy sometimes.

    The sleepy Chef Wang occasionally suffers from insomnia at night due to too much sleep during the day, and he sits alone in the yard staring at the night sky and sighs.

    Zhang Ergou looks naive, but he secretly gives gifts to Cuihua behind his back.

    When Charlie is in a good mood, he will whistle a little tune from his hometown to remember his relatives who died in the dark tide.

    These are people who live in the base under her jurisdiction. Mo Bei can't ignore their safety because of her own selfishness. The greater the ability, the heavier the responsibility. She has never recognized it so clearly like now.

    In a few minutes, Tang Bei also finished eating. He let out a sigh of satisfaction, wiped the soup stains from the corner of his mouth casually, sat back on the back of the chair, slid his body slightly, and patted his belly lightly with his left hand. Looks like a gluttonous eater.

    "Mo Bei, you're an amazing cook, you must be an S-level character?" "

    No, Chef Wang is a B-level, and his cooking level is only Lv 3."

    Mo Bei noticed the probing in the other party's words, and didn't take it seriously. He directly told him what he wanted to know. There's nothing to hide about this, if she doesn't say anything, the other party will ask Chef Wang himself later, and he can know it, so it's better to sell it well, it's to promote the relationship between each other.

    Tang Bei was surprised and said, "Isn't it possible? Level 3 cooking can make things with BUFF?"

    Mo Bei lazily replied to him: "Skills are based on proficiency, what if he is a genius?" Seeing that Tang Bei was skeptical, Mo Bei didn't hide it from him, and pointed out the business hours of Chef Wang, "One day. Open for four hours, do you think he spends the rest of the time resting, or studying cooking behind closed doors? Anyway, I don’t believe he can insist on staying up.” “Why does it feel

    like he doesn’t study hard, but the exam always You can get the top few other people's children."

    Tang Bei smacked his lips, seeing that Mo Bei didn't lie to him, so he didn't worry too much about Chef Wang. He traveled to several bases, and met only a handful of S-level natives, but he has also seen many B-level people with good skills.

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