Chapter 131 - 140

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ʚChapter 131 The Spirit Is Coming

    The news Ruoye brought was simple, his former tribe, the forest elves, couldn't hold on anymore. The environment suddenly accelerated and deteriorated, and the little living space left by the elves was further squeezed, and they had reached the brink of genocide.

    "So, Wang Laixin hoped that I could help them for the sake of being of the same clan. But I am just an ordinary dark elf. I have been thinking about this question since the first day after transformation, but unfortunately there is no answer so far. Therefore, I can only pin my hope on Your Excellency, and hope that you can allow my people to migrate here and give them a way out."     Mo Bei was speechless for a moment, and tugged at the clothes he had put on hastily with his fingers, and the corners of his lips tugged With a helpless arc: "You came here at night in a hurry, I thought something was wrong in the base, but in the end, this is it?"     Ruo Ye nodded solemnly: "That's it, so, what is your answer?"     Mo Beichang Exhaling, the hanging heart finally let go, and she waved her hands weakly after relaxing, and said: "Tell your king, come quickly if you want to come, although this side can't provide a large forest like theirs before, but There is still a place to live. As long as the elves abide by the law, they can do whatever they want... Aren’t you the best example? Every day so many people come to the base to make a special trip for this, and I really...take myself as an outsider too much."     Ruo Ye shook her head disapprovingly, and said: "It was all small-scale migration, a team of no more than 50 people, and my former ethnic group had at least 300 people. The population, and it is a foreign race, must be reported first so as not to cause a commotion."     Mo Bei thought for a while, agreed to Ruoye's concerns, and said: "I didn't think carefully, what you said made sense, then write Let me tell them my decision by letter, don’t worry. As for the station, where do you think it is better to arrange?”     Ruo Ye replied without thinking: “It’s about 70 kilometers east of our side. In this place, there is a small unowned forest, which should be able to house my people."

    "Seventy kilometers..." Mo Bei thought for a moment, and immediately outlined the shape of the map in his mind, "That place should not be within the range of the base—you mean, send people to plant flags to occupy it now?" Ruo Ye

    nodded : "I have sent people there, and the nearest base is still about 200 kilometers away, so it won't hinder others." "

    Then send people to occupy it, we have the strength to continue to expand." Mo Bei still has the same principle, He doesn't take the initiative to encroach on other people's territory. Now this forest is obviously close to his own base, and there is no owner, so there is no burden to occupy it.

    Ruoye got the answer she wanted, and didn't want to stay for a minute, so she got up and said goodbye: "Then I'll go back and make preparations, everything is normal in the base, you can rest here for two more days - no need to send, I Just go."

    Mo Bei joked with him pretending to be polite: "How can I do that, I will send you to the door of the hotel anyway."

    Ruo Ye shook his head, a strange expression appeared on his cold face, and then he pointed The clothes on Mo Bei's body pursed his lips, and he said, "It's better not to go out, your clothes are worn backwards, and it's not good for outsiders to see."

    Mo Bei bowed his head: ... Gan! It's all because Ruo Ye came too hastily, and he didn't take a closer look in his haste, so he said why he felt a little awkward.

    When Mo Bei looked up to find Ruoye again, and wanted to ask him why he didn't say it in the first place, he realized that the other party had activated the elf's unique shadow step effect at some point, and had already disappeared without a trace.

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