Chapter 21 - 30

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ʚChapter 21

    Clusters of small black figures jumped out from all directions, like monkeys, jumping on all fours and rushing towards the nervous people.

    Deliciousness and fear, these are the only emotions they can perceive, the shadow lemures shook their not yet fully degenerated noses, and rushed over with "squeaky" screams.


    Mo Bei swung the sledgehammer like a signal, and blew the horn of war. The people shouted "Aww", waving the weapons in their hands and slashing at the enemies who jumped out of the way.

    Pengka, Mo Bei, and Ruoye adopted a triangle position, supporting each other, like a conical tank, invincible.

    They each have their own attack methods, and Mo Bei's is the simplest and rude. As long as there is a target, the sledgehammer will hit one at a time, which is very agile. Pengka is good at melee attacks. He usually observes first, and after mastering the enemy's movements, he shoots with lightning, and then a set of combos, directly emptying the opponent's health bar.

    Ruoye is even simpler. With a flick of his long ears, there is definitely a shadow lemur at the point where the arrow is pointing. No matter how much it jumps and changes its route, the arrow it shoots will definitely hit the target exactly as if it is equipped with a tracker. .

    "Be careful!"

    Mo Bei quickly knocked away the shadow demon that was about to pounce on the leader's face with a quick hammer. He ignored his stuttering thank you, and after a hasty exhortation, he pounced on another one. .

    Mo Bei didn't calculate how long it took. Anyway, it must have been less than an hour, and the bell in the base never rang. There were no shadowy demons disturbing the mind's "Zhi Zhi Zhi" screams, and all they could hear were large swaths of heavy breathing, and whispered greetings asking if the companions around them were okay.

    "The first wave is over, and the second wave won't keep us waiting too long." Mo Bei said calmly, in a much louder voice than usual, trying to let everyone around him hear, "Tell each other, take the time to rest, There will be at least four more waves of monsters in the future. As long as everyone maintains the current rhythm, the victory will eventually belong to us!"

    It may be because the first wave of shadow lemurs did not cause any harm to ordinary people. Because at the first moment when he was ugly by the enemy, he backed away in surprise, and then sprained his foot.

    At this time, the big brother was being mercilessly ridiculed by everyone. He himself yelled "that was an accident" while sitting on the ground and rubbing his ankle vigorously. Because the sacred flame is not bright now, no one can notice that he is blushing s face.

    Later, I must wash my shame with blood! Zhao Dahu clenched his fists fiercely, turning the ridicule he received into full fighting power, waiting for the second wave of monsters to appear before reflecting on them.

    Soon, after a rest of about ten minutes, the second wave of monsters came.

    This time, apart from the shadow lemurs, there were also a few shadow snakes. It's a pity that they can't be respawned in the base out of thin air, and they don't want to jump three feet high like the shadow lemures. They can only swim forward on the ground, trying to climb over the fence wall, enter inside, and bite those delicious food A mouthful of prey.

    Then, Ruoye vaguely heard a "hissing" whine, and the sound of flesh being cut open by a sharp weapon.

    He shook his ears, and after he shot an arrow and hit a shadow lemur, he looked sideways at Mo Bei and told everything he had heard.

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