Chapter 111 - 120

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ʚChapter 111 The New Bazaar

    After leaving the place where the carriage was stored, the acquaintance pulled Sun Tu and walked in another direction. Unlike Sun Tu who turned his head frequently, the acquaintance didn't even look at the goods in his carriage, obviously he was very assured of the management here.

    "Walk around, change the chips here."

    "What chips?" Sun Tu frowned, "I don't gamble."

    "It's not gambling, but special chips are used for transactions here." An acquaintance explained to him, "Everyone They are all for business, but it is inevitable to mix in with outsiders. If you have too much money on your body, it is easy to be taken out. The person in charge here simply asks everyone to exchange chips. This thing is not afraid of losing it.” “Then, how much can you change

    ? What should I do?" Sun Tu was a little hesitant, he believed in the real money in his pocket more than the bargaining chip that he didn't know what it looked like and could only be used here.

    "You can get back what you don't use up, but it must be your own person. If someone else steals it, you can't exchange it for money here. Oh, don't ask, you will find out when you come with me." The acquaintance took Sun Tu to a place where there were more than a

    dozen In front of the long series of stalls at the window, I chose a line with a small number of people and lined up. There seemed to be five or six people in front of me.

    While waiting, the acquaintance explained the chip to Sun Tu: "It is said to be a chip, but it is actually a small card, which contains the amount you exchanged. You can use as much as you want at that time, and you can just take it back and return it if you can't use it up. It can be used here, and if someone else steals it

    , they can’t get the money back.” Sun Tu asked: “If that person doesn’t steal, can he just buy something?”

    The acquaintance smiled mysteriously: “You will find out later , no one can buy it except you yourself."

    Sun Tu was at a loss, seeing that the acquaintance had no intention of explaining, so he stopped asking.

    Soon, when it was time for them to go through the process, the acquaintance took out a card from his pocket and handed it to the person in the window, then took out a money bag and said, "One hundred and twenty gold coins."

    Sun Tu watched as the people inside poured the gold coins into a machine, which made a pleasant "crash clatter" sound, and the number [120] jumped out on a small square screen.     Then the other party swiped the card twice on the top of the machine, handed it back to the acquaintance, and then turned his gaze to Sun Tu, only then did he realize that the person sitting inside was a dwarf girl.     "Hello, what procedures should I do? Open the card, recharge, or return the card?" The     little dwarf girl's voice is clear and clear, and she looks very cute, with big eyes, a small nose, and cherry-like lips painted with red lip gloss. Her purple hair was combed high behind her head, with a small tip at the end.     Sun Tu woke up from the daze, and felt embarrassed for his gaffe just now, and it was his first time here, so his answer was inevitably not smooth: "I, I change can change here, right?"     " Oh, it’s a new customer. We call that card opening. The card production fee is ten silver coins, is that okay? This card can be used repeatedly, long as you don’t lose it. Of course, we can reissue it if you lose it. There will be no loss in the amount, but you will have to pay another card production fee."     Sun Tu has already spent two silver coins to deposit the car, and this time is equivalent to a free trip. I was able to bite the bullet and pay another sum.     Then, Sun Tu saw the little dwarf girl open the drawer under the table, take out a silver card similar to that held by an acquaintance, and swipe it on a square machine of the same color.     "Please look here, hold on for a few seconds, it's best to laugh, if you are not satisfied with the photo, you have to pay another ten silver coins for the card making fee." The little     dwarf girl picked up a wooden stick from the table and pointed Pointing to the position on the upper right outside, Sun Tu hurriedly looked over, and sure enough there was a dark lens facing him, probably for the convenience of guests to tidy up their appearance, and there was a small mirror thoughtfully hanging beside it.     Sun Tu knew that he belonged to the type of grinning but not good-looking, so he straightened his clothes and put on a serious look, and then heard the little dwarf girl shouting "one, two, three!"

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