Chapter 121 - 130

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ʚChapter 121 Decision

    Lunch is still the same restaurant as before, the private room is still the same, and the people are still the same, but there is one more Penka.

    Mo Bei also wanted to call Ruoye at first, but the other party directly said that he didn't have time. It seemed that there was some information from the elves, and he was very anxious to deal with it. Anyway, this kind of thing can be conveyed later, so Mo Bei let Ruoye take care of himself, and only went to the agreed place with Pengka and Mu.

    There is one more person, and two more dishes than before. With the last cooperation, the atmosphere is much more relaxed this time. At least a few people ate for a while, and chatted about yesterday’s fireworks show. After the food tour had passed the five flavors, it was Mu Le who took the lead to bring the topic back on track.

    "Didn't you say before that the lord of Dongmu is a puppet, and the power behind the scenes is in the hands of Rod Clara?"

    Lu Yuan nodded: "That's right, he was weakened in assets and strength before, and he was desperate to attack the base Sa , What I’m holding is the plan to occupy this place to regroup, and I don’t want to go back to Dongmu.”

    Mo Bei was very curious, thinking that the lord was so useless, so he couldn’t take the opportunity to seize power? He also felt that it was not appropriate to complain in front of outsiders, so he held back and changed more appropriate words and asked: "Then the lord of Dongmu, didn't he take the opportunity to do something?     " He couldn't figure it out: "There doesn't seem to be any action... According to unreliable rumors, the territory was in turmoil after Rodkla left, and all forces were ready to move. He wanted to reap the benefits of the fisherman, but he disappeared. "     It's easy to understand. Rodklar is like the leader of the green forest. With him suppressed by such a big mountain, those small hills dare not stab them, and they all follow the rules set by him. act.     As for the emperor, although he couldn't command these people, he still had a peaceful life, and he was full of food, drink and pleasure, and he was not afraid of usurping the throne, so he just turned a blind eye and closed his eyes.     Then, one day, the chief executive went crazy and had to tease an organization he couldn't afford to mess with. As a result, most of his property was destroyed, and he wanted to realize the rest quickly, regardless of who the buyer was or which mountain he belonged to. As long as the money is enough, he dares to sell.

    If he could come back, things wouldn't be where they are now. The problem is that Rod Clark died, and the hilltops who had scruples immediately started their carnival like wild horses that have run loose.

    If the lord can stand up at this time and take back his original power by means of thunder, some of those small hills may continue to fight against him, but there will definitely be some who surrender and wait and see, and the road will still not die.

    It's a pity that the lord chose to wait for the opportunity stupidly. He wanted to wait for these small hills to fight. Come and kill him, get a missing scene.

    "In any case, he is also the lord of the seven capitals. It doesn't make sense to be so useless." Mo Bei felt unbelievable, "I met him before, and he seems to be a very shrewd person." Lu Yuan smiled and reminded Mo

    Bei "Is he the only one who didn't bring any subordinates, but took all his nephews and nephews?"

    Mo Bei thought about it for a while, and it was true, then nodded and replied, "You mean nepotism?"

    "Yes, that's right." Yuan sighed with emotion and told all the news he knew, "Before the dark age mentioned above, Dongmuling was a monarchy country, and the royal family's children had the habit of holding important positions. Later, the country was destroyed, and the capital remained. They were also embarrassed to call the country, so they followed the trend and changed it to the title of lord, but the title and so on are still retained, that's how Rodkla's viscount came." At this point, Lu Yuan picked up his water glass and took a sip of water

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