Chapter 31 - 40

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ʚChapter 31 A New Life

    【Hai Na Bai Chuan-False】

    Description: The territory with this title shows great inclusiveness, and various races can maintain a superficial peaceful coexistence, but more efforts are needed to develop true friendship.


    1. Increase the stability in the territory by 10%.

    2. Territorial residents' tolerance for foreign races increases by 15%.

    3. The probability of attracting foreigners to settle here increases by 10%.

    4. Alien prestige increased by 500 points.

    5. The prestige of the clan increases by 200 points.

    Mo Bei drank the soup in the bowl calmly. It was the soup made by Chef Wang with the last big bone stick. Bei didn't know where he wandered, and he couldn't find anyone to buy something from him.

    The characteristic effect of this title is still acceptable, and the increase in stability is simply wonderful. What Mo Bei was worried about at first was that the two sides were racially inconsistent and there would be friction.

    Isn't there a saying that "people who are not my race must have different hearts"? The vigilance and distrust between humans and orcs is inevitable, and there are still some stereotypes that play a role in it. Mo Bei didn't expect these daily How many books will people who are running around for their lives have read, and the less people read, the easier it is to be brainwashed by rumors that are obviously fantasies.

    For example, the famous "microwave radiation", and the terrible "overnight tea", although the latter should be calculated according to time, not day and night, but there are still many people who insist that they can't drink after overnight, even if this cup of tea It was brewed at 11:50 in the middle of the night, and it was 0:50 the next day when I wanted to drink.     It's more mysterious than this, and it's not like Mo Bei has never encountered it before. She bought a ticket for the upper berth during the first summer vacation when she returned home after college. The man in another berth next to him thought the air conditioner was too cold, so he insisted on opening the blinds.

    Mo Bei was very confused, and asked him that the wind is bigger, isn't it colder? The man swears that the air circulates and circulates. If you let the cold air come out at once, and evenly mix with the hot air, it will not be so cold when you blow it again.

    But that's the central air conditioner on the train, hey! Whose central air conditioner will not cool because the fan blades are turned to the maximum!

    Mo Bei was speechless, and finally had to insist that it must be closed, otherwise she would change the position, and she couldn't sleep, so the matter came to an end after a few murmurs of dissatisfaction from the man.

    So at that time, she understood that it was hard to explain the truth to some people. You never know whether the person standing opposite has a brain or a tofu brain.

    Well, she wants to drink tofu nao, oh!

    Pulling back his thoughts, Mo Bei stopped himself from continuing to diverge towards the food, and turned back to the problems that the base will face in the future. People of the same race can still fight together, not to mention the mixing of different races.

    There must have been initial temptations and exchanges, and there will be a lot of friction, but as long as it is limited to a certain range, most people will not go online to racial hatred because of this.     Among the characteristics, there are two points: increased stability and increased tolerance. Probably considering this situation, Mo Bei feels that as long as a person does not suffer great pain, he will at least be willing to maintain peace on the surface.     As for those guys who are really racist or pseudo-discriminatory, she doesn't mind using deportation to drive them out. Racial discrimination is written in the law. Thinking about it in her own heart, she doesn't care about complaining about family and friends, but if it really comes to light—haha!     ...     Ruoye and Ji Jingyao had finished eating and left just now. One was to practice his bow skills, and the other was to go for a walk all over the world. He almost didn't know this place after not coming back for a long time.

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