Chapter 81 - 90

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ʚChapter 81 The Sunshine Is So Strong

    The next day, the convoy returned to the main city in the early morning, and after a short rest, they ushered in the lord's tour group, which was reduced by about half.

    There are sixteen people in a car, and if there are more, someone has to stand. Except for the followers, everyone is the lord, regardless of the size of the base, at least they are equal in terms of rank.

    In this way, it is inappropriate for some people to stand, but they all want to sit in the same car with the lords of the seven capitals, how to "fairly" distribute becomes a problem, and they refuse to give in to each other, although they speak with smiles Euphemistic, but unable to conceal the essence of mutual pull.     Mo Bei was watching the excitement. As the host, whether she wanted to or not, she had to accompany the seven people, and now she took up half of the seats, and the remaining eight were to be selected among the nineteen people. very exciting.     Tang Bei leaned over and whispered: "You don't want to persuade?"     Mo Bei also lowered his voice: "How can I persuade? I am the biggest beneficiary, and I will be the biggest beneficiary by standing up at this time... If you don't go or don't go, whoever wants to go will go "     Tang Bei squinted: "Why do I think you look happy?"     Mo Bei touched his face, tried to control his expression, and said, "Why, is it obvious?"     Tang Bei: "Obviously, You have to be lucky that no one is looking at you at this time, otherwise you will find that you are as happy as a flower."     Mo Bei looked curiously, and asked: "What kind of flower? Peony or rose?"     Tang Bei was speechless, and replied after a while: " Chrysanthemums, golden silk chrysanthemums, the kind that are especially delicious when soaked in water, clearing away heat and calming the fire, and nourishing the eyes."     Mo Bei suddenly couldn't figure out whether the other party was complimenting her or scolding her.     Fortunately, at this time, the gang of little lords had already decided the winner, and the eight of them walked over reservedly with the smiles of the winners, and politely and proudly asked Mo Bei if he would start the car now.     Mo Bei blinked, and made a gesture of invitation to let the eight little lords get on the car first. Anyway, the seven capital lords were already on it.

    Tang Bei did not share a car with them. Mo Bei originally wanted to fight for a position for him. After all, he was a friend and not a real entourage. He himself refused, saying that he wanted to be in the second car. Monitor whether anyone speaks ill of Mo Bei behind his back.

    Mo Bei said "hehe", saying that even if you say it, don't tell me, if you can't go back immediately after being scolded, you know afterwards that it is meaningless except to make yourself aggrieved, so forget it.     Regardless of the turbulent undercurrent behind the negotiation, in short, everyone got into the carriage. The coachman drove the carriage to trigger quickly, the horse's hooves lightly stepped on the smooth road, and the neck bell made a rhythmic and crisp sound.     "This is really a good horse!" The joint lord exclaimed, "We also have public carriages in our place, but it takes at least three or four horses to pull sixteen people like this. You are really good at feeding What kind of breed is it?"     Mo Bei knew what the other party meant, and directly declined: "It should be a variant of the Shire horse. On the basis of the original strength, it has also bred speed. But it is a pity that there are only five mature horses. It is far from meeting our needs, Xiao Ma is still growing, and cannot fill this vacancy for the time being. If there is no subway to share the transportation pressure, the traffic in the base will become my biggest headache." This is true and false     . Third, Mo Bei blurred out some seemingly useless details. Anyway, combined with what they saw in the base, it was indeed what she said.     Seeing Mo Bei's refusal, the joint lords didn't insist anymore, and just praised them from another angle, laying the groundwork for future transactions between each other, and focused on the scenery outside the window, sighing a few words.     At this time, they are already used to the natural light in the base, and no one is still wearing sunglasses. The scenery outside the car window has entered an undeveloped place after leaving the pasture and other areas, and it has become a bit monotonous, so everyone pays attention to it. They regrouped in the carriage and started various conversations again.     Mo Bei didn't participate in the chat. She took out the territory incident book that she had prepared before, and after apologizing to the others, she devoted herself to handling the affairs of the territory, and unexpectedly received a wave of admiring eyes.

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