Chapter 141 - 148

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ʚChapter 141 Illusion

    For a period of time after getting the orb, Mo Bei was only busy with base construction, people's livelihood maintenance, and other things. Neither she, Tang Bei, nor Ji Jingyao had any clues about the Hurricane Altar.

    Guan Han, Tang Bei's aunt, also came. She considered that it was the end of the plot, and there might be some big changes outside. She didn't want to fall short in such an incident, so she simply gave up her adventure career and stayed here to rest. .

    Ji Jingyao also meant the same thing. He was frightened by what Tang Bei said again about the Dana collar. Although he was not afraid of those guys from the Dark God Sect, he was afraid that he would be sacrificed for no reason, so he also Honestly staying at the base, running and playing in various urban areas, saying nothing and not going out.     Three months have passed in a flash, and seeing that summer is coming soon, and there is still no news from the Hurricane Altar, Mo Bei feels that her hair is getting thinner and thinner. Unless the mission clue appears, nothing can stop her from going to the "bald girl" "Run on the road.     If it's really "becoming stronger when you're bald", it's okay, Mo Bei is afraid that he will still get clues after he becomes bald, and it will be a disaster.     "Does the other base have clues? Or after they built the altar, my side will enter the CD cooldown period, and it will take a while to trigger it?" Guan Han, who is best at     missions, also hesitated about Mobei's question. The party is right, but the development route of the lords is completely different from that of adventurers, so it is a bit uncertain.     "It stands to reason that the triggering of this kind of large-scale mission will indeed have a buffer CD, but since all bases are allowed to have altars, it shouldn't have any clues so far... You have four of them, it is impossible to activate the anti-graduation mechanism, right? ?”     Anti-graduation mechanism, several sets of suits, whichever one is missing, there will be no one, some people think it is purely bad luck, after all, the drop is random. Some people think that this is an anti-graduation device, so as to attract players to continue playing.     There are different opinions on what the truth is, but it is undeniable that there are not a few players who believe that the anti-graduation mechanism exists.

    Because Mo Bei was talking about the game this time, in order to be able to speak freely, only the four of them participated, and none of the aborigines were present. So the thinking may be a bit narrow, but there is no way to do it. You can’t tell those people that your world is just a game, and you are just piles of data.

    "Could it be...the clues have already appeared, but we didn't find them?" Ji Jingyao is a novice player, and his thinking is the least likely to be restricted by the rules and regulations of the game. He proposed another new way of thinking, "Sister, think carefully about it." Think, have you gotten any useless items so far, or encountered something you couldn't understand at the time?"

    "Let me think about it..."

    Mo Bei was refreshed, and then fell into deep thought, filtering quickly The events that have occurred since she woke up until now. Those daily routines that are mostly plural or repeated can be skipped, and they are unlikely to be trigger points. She focused on recalling the things in her hand, and suddenly thought of something.

    "This!" Mo Bei took out a small bottle from his personal space and put it on the table, "Ancestral Mushroom Powder, a gift from cavemen before, I was afraid of triggering the 10% instant death effect, so I never dared to use it. Leave it alone and forget it completely."

    Tang Bei picked up the bottle and looked at it for a moment, then suddenly said: "Passive skill 'steadiness'!"

    Mo Bei nodded, understanding Tang Bei's meaning, and his mood gradually became agitated. That passive skill was triggered when she visited Huangguoshu Waterfall for the first time, and the effect is "you can maintain yourself even in the illusion, and you will be immune to all negative damage caused by it." At that time, she also thought about using this passive skill to use ancestral

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