Chapter 2:Same Class

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Someone called kazuha it was Heizou his first friend when he got to school, Heizou was really nice to him.

'Hey Heizou, didn't notice you hehe..'

he told heizou,they both talked to each other that they were only focused on each other.

Kazuha didn't notice that scara had left, after a while he finally noticed, he said to himself..'i.. didn't even get to say goodbye to him..' The bell started ringing,kazuha snapped out of being zone out,

'kazuha let's go now the bell had rang', heizou told kazuha, and they both walk to their class.

Scara was in the same class with kazuha, He was staring at kazuha all the time, then kazuha felt like someone was looking then he turn around and he catch scara staring, Scara blush cuz of embarrassment when he noticed that scara was blushing he started to giggle,

'Kazuha, Scaramouche! Detention right now!',

Scara stood up first and went out, kazuha stand up next,But his teacher stopped him and said,

'Kazuha let's talk after school..'

Kazuha just nodded and continue to go out..

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