Chapter 17: A Farewell Between The Four

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We all know what's gonna happen to let's go back to kuki and heizou, and give kazuha and scara an alone time.
'They had been the bathroom for so long..' Kuki said as she chuckled and looked at heizou who is also drunk but seems to handle alcohol much better than the two.

'Yeah, let them enjoy themselves' Heizou siad jokely still taking some few shots of alcohol, 'wanna drink?' he ask kuki who just looked at him and slightly shake her head 'Thanks for the offer but i don't like drinking, sorry' she politely decline to heizou offer, heizou didn't mind it all i mean it's fine if kuki doesn't drink he just want to be with her.

They both chatted and waited for the two to come back after an hours kazuha and Scara came out of the bathroom, Scara's clothes was messed up and so is kazuha they really indeed enjoy, Scara was still blushing as he sit down at the couch where their seat is and kazuha sit beside him putting his arms at Scara's shoulder.

Kuki and Heizou looked at each other and started to laugh slightly before turning back to face the two again.

'So..what happened?' Heizou asked teasingly to the both, Scara was all quiet he couldn't speak and he looked really tired while Kazuha on the other side still had the look of tease in his face.

'Something happens, that only me and Scara can know..' (ahem ahem and the readers) He replied to heizou who is sitting Infront of them, heizou just looked at them while smirking 'Alright if you say so..i just noticed that it's getting late, so maybe you guys wanna go home now' Heizou said trying to change the topic.

Kazuha looked at his phone and looked at what time it was, it was already 7:30 pm he looked at all of them and said.

'Yeah we should head back home..' He said looking at scara who is feeling weak and who can't seem to walk straight, Heizou looked at Scara and realised something.

'Shit..what about scara? Who would take him home?' he ask to everyone, kuki looked at him and jokely say 'Kazuha, who else?' She said that but only as a joke.

Kazuha looked at kuki and smiled at her 'How did you know?' He said and he doesn't seem to be joking about it, Heizou and Kuki were slightly shocked but only slightly.

Kazuha started to stand up and he also helped Scara, Kuki and Heizou also did stand up.
'Do you know where he lives?' Kuki asked Kazuha while looking at him and scara, kazuha giggled before replying.

'What if i do? Is something wrong with that?' He said politely to kuki, she was slightly shocked at Kazuha's reply and got curious how and started to ask.

'How do you know?' She ask having one fo her eyebrow up while she ask 'That will be a secret, now let's go home and get out of here.'
They all stand up from their seat and went out, Kazuha help Scara to walk to the bus stop, and kuki and heizou walk back to their house together.


-Starting Author's Note

I love not continuing the sm×t ... We'll keep this 'family friendly' for now it's early to show some sm×t..

This chapter was supposed to be uploaded in like weeks ago? I just forgot but here it is!

I'll see you guys soon~

-End Author's Notes...

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