Chapter 6:Chat

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'Hey kazuha' someone chatted kazuha he ask to himself,'who could this be?'
then he decided to chat back with 'hi? Who is this?' he waited for the reply, and finally the person replied,

'it's me scara' kazuha felt comfortable after knowing it was scara who chat him, 'how did you got my number?' he ask Scara, 'i have my ways~' was scara stalking him?, But he didn't care much he just smiled and started blushing, i guess he can still communicate with scara even when they're not at school, they just chat for hours just like earlier time flies fast he didn't even notice it was 6pm he also forgot that him and his parents are going out for dinner tonight,
'Kazuha get ready we're going to leave a little minutes later!'

Kazuha then remember that they'll leave for dinner,'Scara i have to go now talk to you later<33' he told scara before going offline, scara on the other side was blushing because of the heart that kazuha send him, Kazuha tought to himself why did he send a heart? He got carried away and decided to add the heart..Now how will he explain it to scara on why he send a heart..

After he change his clothes he went down to his parents, 'mom I'm done' his mom sigh and told him, 'kazuha you'r bow tie isn't fix you know that we'll meet the most famous writer?' as ningguang started to fix his bow tie 'ning don't be harsh on him, I know that the writer can help us or you with the project you're making right now, but why does kazuha need to join us?' she ask her wife, 'she ask me if she can see our son, maybe she'll take reference of him' she replied, '*sigh* there we go let's go now we don't wanna be late.', they all went outside and go to the car.

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