Chapter 10: Late Reply

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After Kazuha got home he went to his room and changed his clothes and he lay on his bed he opened his phone and he checked up on Scara.

'Hey Scara are you home now?' he waited for Scara reply, it had been minutes and he was still not replying to Kazuha, He was worried it got him overthink on what might happen on Scara but he tried to not have negative thoughts, he got a notification he checked it immediately and finally it was Scara 'Hey Kazu sorry for late reply my mom took me to ***** to buy me food since she said that i didn't get to eat earlier.'

Kazuha had a relief sigh that Scara was alright and wasn't hurt or anything bad happen to him. 'Oh alright good to know you're okey, also do you want me to send the pics now?' he ask Scara, there is a one thing he hate about chatting, he hate how he have to wait for Scara to reply unlike face to face talk he get have Scara's reply in right then and there but Scara tried to always respond quickly, but anyways back to there chatting.

'Sure' as soon as he saw that reply he send the pic that he took except the pics of Scara of course he wouldn't send that.After he send the pic he looked at the pics he took, mostly the picture of Scara he was confused on what was he feeling right now whenever he look at Scara's pics, he look at the time he noticed it was getting late so he decided to sleep.

(Hallo Hoshi here i just wanna say that i might not be able to post from Monday to Thursday, so no new chapters from Monday to Thursday i can only upload if i have no school or if i have time. Anyways that's the end of chapter 10 byebye~)

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