Chapter 12: Music Class

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(Music Class)

'Class take your instrument and play with them I'll be walking around to observe all of you' the teacher said, after the teacher stopped talking they all take what instruments they want to play, Kazuha took the guitar while scara was having a hard time to choose since he doesn't really like to play instruments, kazuha notice him and come close to him, 'Just take the flute it's easy to play don't worry' Scara nod and took the flute and sit beside kazuha, he listened to Kazuha as he plays the guitar he really is good on guitars.
'heh i can sense you looking again at me scara why haven't you play your flute?' Scara blush as kazuha pointed out that he was staring at him but he still replied 'oh it's just...I don't think i can play this..' he said as he look on the flute 'Do i have to tell you how to use it?' kazuha said teasingly to Scara, he blush from embarrassed as kazuha tell him that 'no need i know how to used it' he said with a little confidence tone on his voice 'alright let me hear you play it then..' Scara hesitate for a second he haven't played the flute for a long time his uncle(venti) used to teach him how to use them he then put the flute on his mouth with a passion then he plays whatever he remembers on what his uncle teached him, surprisingly he still do know some of it kazuha look at him plays the flute his mouth slightly open a little as he was shocked about how scara play the flute.

'Scara i didn't know you can play flute good job' the teacher said from behind kazuha and scara 'oh sir thank you' his teacher smile at him 'Kazuha can i hear yours?' 'of course sir' he said as he prepares his guitar and play a very nice sound from the guitar after he was done playing the guitar the teacher claps 'I see you're getting very good at this kazuha I'm proud, I'm also proud at you Scara keep it up' after that the teacher walk to the other students.

'woah... You have lots of talent kazuha..' scara said to Kazuha, looking down trying to hide his blush, 'thank you i really appreciate the compliment scara!' reply to Scara while his cheeks start to become a little pink 'can i hear you play a guitar more often in our free time?' Scara ask in a whisper voice but still make sure that kazuha hear him 'sure why not and don't be embarrassed about..' kazuha smiled at Scara and hold his hand 'I'm glad that you like to hear me play guitar..' he said while blushing, Scara just stare at him and smile back, he was really happy that he can hear kazuha play guitar he didn't know kazuha was that good on instruments..

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