Chapter 5:Kazuha's House

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They both got to the house as when they'd eat their feet inside ningguang talk to Kazuha,

'kazuha, what the hell I told you to be polite and not get in trouble at school as much as possible didn't i told you, well what the hell just happened earlier huh?!'

she tried to stay calm since she doesn't want kazuha to feel bad but she couldn't, kazuha just look down, 'kazuha, dear answer me..'she said politely to Kazuha, finally kazuha speak 'i was just giggling I didn't know that the teacher notice and i was indeed paying attention in class.' he explains to ningguang..

'*sigh* I'm sorry for being harsh on you earlier dear i guess your teacher just misunderstood you and thought you weren't paying attention' he said to Kazuha feeling bad, kazuha just smiled and said 'its fine mom don't worry' ningguang sigh out of relieve that kazuha didn't take that to his heart,the silent got broken because of a door opening it was beidou she just got back from her ship, 'oh hey mom welcome back!' kazuha said to beidou, 'welcome home love~' ningguang said as she come close to beidou and lean in for a kiss, 'mm~ ive miss you both, but i mostly miss you my love~' beidou said trying to flirt with ningguang, '*sigh* I'll go to my room now..' he said before leaving and going up stairs.

He took out his phone from his pocket and open it he saw a message, who could it have been from?..

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