9| Manic Unravelment:

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Vanadey Pov:

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Vanadey Pov:

The smells of dust tickle my nose while I scrunch my eye and nose, slowly swaying my head side to side trying to wake up. With struggle i opened my eyes and started seeing my surroundings, well barely, i'm still seeing blurry. I feel like I slept for a whole year.

I tried to rub my eye to help me clear my vision but I felt metal bracelets restraining my arms. I slightly tilted my head backwards and watched the metal chains wrapped on my wrist and that's when my eyes bolted open and all the memories started flooding my brain.

The visions, me running around while dancing, the kiss with Xanthus, conversing with Griffin and Pollux and then leaving for a lake where there were trapped souls in it. My eyes widened at the memory of the mysterious man I met at the bar blowing a shimmering dust on my face and I fell into deep slumber. I stretched my knees, provoking the feeling of a burning ache for being bent for too long, I shrug my shoulders making the chains cackled.

"SON OF A FUCKING..." I pulled on my chains harshly sending a flooding ache on my arm which i completely ignored thanks to the consuming fiery anger that's spreading across my body.

I grinded my teeth while I analyzed the entire room. It seems I'm trapped in four brick walls that had chains dangling from the ceiling, some cobwebs here and there. The laden smell of humidity, musk, leather, some metal, I also got a whiff of petidness and rotting, filled my nostril. Provoking an involuntary gag came out of me but I fought the urge to barf.

The lint and other fragments, caused by my ferocious tugging, find their way into my nose causing me to fight back a sneeze that It doesn't want to come out, causing my irritation to rise. I finally managed to release the sneeze but instead of bringing relief it only brought me a feeling of regret once I felt the burning ache inside the bridge of my nose. I tried to hold it but I remembered that I am restricted, which I grunt furiously.

My eyes began to water at the disturbing thoughts that began to manage in my mind. I started to feel the tremors as my breathing deepened as it felt like my heartbeat was uneven. I began to fight inside as I closed my eyelids and pressed my temples onto my forearm and began to do breathing exercises.

This situation is bringing horrible memories of the basement. I feel my breathing increasing while my heart hammers out of my chest as the panic strikes. The feeling of panic culminated as I tried to pull the chains on my wrist with intensity but ended up with failure. My eyelids still felt heavy, my vision was gradually stabilizing to normal to see clearly what's around me. My breathing was restless, my heart wouldn't stop pounding in my chest. Even came to the point of feeling like I was about to faint. Flashes of memories that I have tried so hard to forget but each time my psyche prefers to dwell on the past then allow me to focus on where I am now instead of where I once was. Once again I feel like I'm locked in that horrid basement, tied up like some kind of animal. For a single moment all the panic, the fear, the intense dread once again submerging caused me to become that weak scared girl I once was.

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