13| No one heard a thing, No one saw a thing:

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Vanadey's POV:

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Vanadey's POV:

I don't know how long it's been since I knocked the hunter unconscious and went into the woods. I don't know how long it's been as I only focus on hearing the leaves being dragged along the shrugs of branches in the distance, being dragged under my boots as I quickened my footsteps. But I didn't pay attention to all that as I kept running, feeling the cold wind hitting my face, the breeze blowing through the tree trunks making the intense sounds resonate again and again making the pain in my head increase, filling my lungs until I felt them freeze in the cold weather of the night as I went further into the forest.

I kept running ignoring the ringing in my ear due to the pounding of my heart as I kept pressing my heavy step against the ground. My body was slowly giving up as I began to limp from side to side due to the exhaustion that was already beginning to affect my running once my steps started to become sloppy.

I've been running for how long?

I don't know.

The tiredness made me lose track of time as my steps dragged on each leaf and branch on to the now dull color ground. I made it to the Specter Garden a while ago. Turns out it's a bigger place than I expected it to be, there are multiple areas that seemed to be connected to one another considering I was in a place where the trees had the common green and yellow accent, I'm mostly familiar with, a lot of vibrant colors compared to the area I'm currently at.

It took me a long time to find the place where I left the others, there was no sign of any of them. I expected it, I don't know how many hours have passed since my disappearance. They're probably looking for me, but their tracks have gone cold to find them or just meet them halfway and I don't know much about this damned place or what danger lurks here.

Has anyone ever noticed?

Nonsense, of course they would. My head feels like a mess and this tiredness and exhaustion has me in a delirious, rather unbearable state. Not knowing how much time I have wasted by being chained in that place and I don't know how much longer it took to get here.

But are they anywhere near to where I am? Did they make camp somewhere while they were looking for me? Did they leave to get some kind of backup or help? no, they wouldn't leave me, they wouldn't have left without me... would they?

I had the splendid idea to reach or find the places I had been to, just to see if I could see any sign of them at all, any clue, traces, some kind of lead so I could begin to track them.

First, I reached the lake and there was no sign that they were even there. I only saw the crumbled-up lily pad flowing on the lake where I first left it, which I found weird considering the lake does have a running flow. I notice some small trails on the ground as if someone dragged a finger or a branch on the floor but that's about it. I also walked to where I first left them as I tried to remember the trail of where the lake is, but as I guessed, there is not a single roaming soul around here.

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