10| Revelation

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-Specter Garden-

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-Specter Garden-

Pollux POV:

"It's been an hour and she's still not here" I exclaimed as I threw my arms into the air, slamming them against my thighs as and began to move my fidget my thumb around the cuticles.

"Relax, she said she'd be here once her head cleared up, you know how she gets sometimes, we just have to leave her alone for a few moments until she's ready to talk to us" Griffin tries to calm me down while he pats me on the back.

Which only makes me angrier than I already am.

Comfort me?


The mere fact of him trying causes my stomach to bubble at the grace that wants to spill from my lips. There is no point in doing it other than wasting time. I start to ignore the revulsion at the grief presented in Quimera's eyes as she fixes her gaze on me and focuses only on important matters like where did that woman go.

"Yes, cool down a bit, give her a break, for what is shown, she went through a lot with whatever she saw" Quimera jumps into the conversation, settling in front of me but my eyes remained focused on the same place where selcouth left.

I feel Quimera's hands caressing my shoulder as her face sets as the possible feelings of sorry, guilty, or worried.

"Yea but its not like her to be off for a long period of time, more when she doesn't know anything of the Umbra Dimension, what if she found the Maze and got lost in it?, wandering around it just because she got lured" I kept observing our surroundings and searched for any vibration or strange shift around us but then I felt a delicate hand over my hair roughing up a bit and and fixed my gaze on Shrimpy.

"Don't let your experience from living here for centuries get in to you head, I'm sure she hasn't gotten too far" Quimera swoops in between Griff and I while she take out a branch of pop rocks candy out of her forest greens crochet cardigan with fireflies and flowers on it which made my eyebrows furrowed "Time has changed, it evolved, this place doesn't seems like it use to be."

"Yea, times change but it doesn't always mean for the better" I point out as I try to maintain my calm as I sat on a curved root that protruded from the ground.

"You seriously brought some of the candies after I specifically told you to leave it" Griffin argues while trying to take the candy away from her but she pulls away harshly.

"Got any white chocolate or gummies in there, shrimpy?" I questioned while I see Griffin giving me a death stare from the corner of my eyes and feel on the back of my head his hands approaching in which I instantly ducked and grabbed onto his wrist "Enough with your domestic abuse, if you're going to beat me, might as well do it in a way we both enjoy it" I humoredly spat and saw Shrimpy eyes widened while she held her cheeks with the palm of her hands, which made her brother snicker.

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