The Game

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The argument had gone on for several hours, but no conclusion was in sight. Just about everyone had left by now, and Elfilin was alone in his cell. Dedede just wanted to eat and go to bed, he was so frustrated. He opened the door to the kitchen and grabbed a container of leftovers from the day before. After shoveling all the contents into his mouth, he started walking back to his room. Maybe he'd be able to decipher that weird video he'd picked up in Dark Meta Knight's room.

He didn't make it there.

.-.. . - / - .... . / --. .- -- . / -... . --. .. -.

Dedede opened his eyes, and rubbed the back of his head. "Oww..." There wasn't much going on in his surroundings. Red walls, Red floor, a button, a blank screen, a few holes in the back, and a microphone. He was about to say something into the microphone, but he was interrupted by a jarringly unfamiliar voice.

"Welcome,  one  and  all.  You  know  me  as  the  OSO,  and  I  have  appeared  before  you  today  for  a  game."

A second later, he heard a different voice respond, though it also seemed to be heavily modulated. "𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕠𝕗 𝕘𝕒𝕞𝕖?"

"Truth  be  told,  I  find  the  three  of  you  to  be  equally  troublesome.  Although  I  can't  consider  it  fair  to  be  removing  any  more  than  one  of  you,  I  will  leave  the  decision  as  to  who  gets  extracted  to  you.  I  personally  couldn't  care  less.  I will  be  asking  you  twenty  five  questions,  each  relating  to  one  or  more  of  your  peers.  If  you  think  you  know  the  answer,  press  the  button.  If  you  are  correct,  you  will  get  a  point.  If  not,  you  will  not  be  allowed  to  try  again  until  both  of  the  other  participants  have  also  given  an  answer.  The  person  with  the  least  amount  of  points  by  the  end  of  the  quiz  will  not  be  waking  up  tomorrow.  If  there  is  a  tie,  we  will  move  to  a  tiebreaker.  If  you  divulge  any  unnecessary  information,  such  as  your  identity  or  why  you  believe  you  have  been  selected,  you  will  be...  disqualified.  Are  the  rules  clear?"

No one answered. "Satisfactory." Dedede saw the screen light up, showing a five by five grid that showed numbers from one to twenty five in a seemingly random arrangement. "Question  one:  During  the  incident  involving  the  Skull  gang,  how  many  copies  of  himself  did  Kirby  get  split  into?" A buzzer rang out. "Yellow,  you  were  the  first  to  hit  the  button.  What  is  your  answer?"

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