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Magolor pulled the covers over himself. "For as much as I hate this place, the bed's really comfortable. Then again, maybe that's just because everywhere feels safe with you."

Taranza squinted. There was something in Magolor's tone that was off. "You seem agitated. Is something the matter?"

"No, everything's fine."

Taranza flipped Magolor on his side and stared into his eyes. "Magolor. I've had this exact conversation before, word for word. I've replayed it hundreds, if not thousands of times in my head. I will not make the same mistake twice. Please, tell me what's wrong." Magolor just averted his eyes. "I know you prefer to handle things yourself, but what if you can't? I won't let you go the same way she did. I won't. I can't."

Magolor sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry." He sat up. "I think I'm being set up."

"How so?"

"It's just a hunch, but there are too many coincidences lining up that make me look suspicious. The smoke in front of the elevator, Zan disappearing, what happened to Elfilin in the rec room, it's all pointing in my direction. I didn't want to worry you about something that might not even be happening, that's all."

Taranza sprung up from his laying position and cupped Magolor's face in his hands. "I don't ever want you to feel like you can't talk to me. No matter what it is, you can tell me about it. Especially if it's troubling you. If you think Kirby is plotting to eat your hands, I'll listen and stay by your side."

Magolor grinned and brushed a hand on one of Taranza's horns. "Promise?"

"Wait, is he?"

"This song and dance sounds familiar." He gave Taranza a kiss on the forehead. "Now lie back down, you need sleep." He lay Taranza back down, and shifted himself to be next to him. It wasn't long before Taranza drifted off to the sea of unconsciousness.

-... . -.. - .. -- . / .... --- ..- .-. ... / .- .-. . / ..-. ..- -. -. -.--

"Meta, your shoes are too loud. Can you stop pacing and come to bed please?" He continued pacing, and it was unclear if he had even heard Dedede. "Will you at least tell me what you're thinking about?" No response. "Could you at least take your shoes off?" Nothing. "Can you even hear me?" Didn't look like it. Dedede got out of bed and went to his own room.

--.. .. -. --. / .. / .--- ..- ... - / --. --- - / -.-- --- ..- / .-- .. - .... / .- -. --- - .... . .-. / --- -. . / --- ..-. / -- -.-- / -.. .-. . .- -- / ... . --.- ..- . -. -.-. . / - .-. .- -. ... .. - .. --- -. ...

"Excuse me, madam. Could you please help me?" Taranza approached the well-off looking woman on the park bench.

"Oh, my. You are rather young to be out alone this late, aren't you?"

He'd gotten that a lot by now. "I... am older than I look. I would like directions to the docks where they keep the airships. Please, it is an emergency."

She didn't seem convinced. "Aren't you one of the children of the aristocrats? Your style is exceptionally fancy."

Taranza began to panic. "N-no. I'm no one. I just really need directions to the docks-"

"Oh, this simply will not do! I must contact a guard to bring you back to the castle. Please, stay here while I get help." She got off the bench and started running to the castle.

He threw out a hand. "Stop!" He immediately realized his mistake. He had surely alerted everyone nearby by shouting this loud in the middle of the night. Alarms would be going off. Everyone just heard a screaming child outside at night, and if they recognized it as him, he'd be caught immediately and put under the tightest security possible, a treatment only reserved for the royal family themselves. Curse this wardrobe shunned by the common folk! Why must I attract attention wherever I go? He had no choice. He had to sneak back into his bedroom and pretend like nothing happened. Get back, and do not get caught. Avoid being seen at all costs. Being spotted means I will never have my chance.

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