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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

Hitting the ground with a harsh thump, Aster let out a low groan. "Ow," she mumbled quietly to herself while rubbing soothing circles into her tender hip. Thankfully it wasn't the side James had decided to take a nibble on otherwise she would have been in a lot more pain.

Squinting her eyes from the harsh rays of sunlight, she blew out a puff of air as a nauseated feeling pooled in the bottom of her stomach. Accepting River's outstretched hand, she allowed the curly haired blonde to help her back into her feet.

"Are you okay?" River asked, watching her Godmother hunch over and press her hands against her knees. The brunette nodded her head briefly, just moments before she darted to the bushes and spewed out the contents of her stomach. "Temporal Displacement. It'll go away in a minute."

After a few moments of dry heaving, the feeling slowly slipped away just like River had told her. "Thanks for the warning," she mumbled, graciously accepting the hanker chief dangled in front of her face. Wiping up the remnants of her vomit, Aster smacked her lips together in hopes of getting rid of that acidic taste in her mouth.

Glancing around her surroundings, the first thing she had noticed was the exotic plants. The second thing was the uncomfortable heat. "Where are we?" She asked, turning to look at her friend who hooked her arm out in response.

"At the meet up point," she answered vaguely. Walking down the tire tracked path, she placed a pair of sunglasses on her face. "I was contacted a few months ago by a Mr John Hammond. Apparently, in not so many words, he has brought Dinosaurs back to life and would like me, plus two other archaeologists, to check it out."

Aster nodded her head, "Okay," she said softly, still processing the information. "So in other words, he wants your seal of approval?" Seeing her friend nod, the brunette nibbled on her lip nervously. "Dinosaurs walking around the Twentieth Century. What could possibly go wrong."

Walking around a corner, River turned to Aster in confusion, "When did you become such a pessimist?" She found herself asking with frowned brows. This was not her normal behaviour. In the past, Aster often used to jump into things head first and unless it concerned her sister, she found that she didn't really care.

Apparently, that was no longer who she was. "It's more of a recent development," the brunette mumbled quietly as she peeled off her jumper. Tying it around her waist, she sighed. "I'm guessing that I've already told you about him?"

River pursed her lips and shook her head. The only problem with time travel is that she never seemed to meet them in the right order. Sometimes she knew more about them than they knew about her and vice versa. "Who are we talking about, sweetie?"

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