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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

Sitting in the back of the company jeep, Aster leaned her head against the fogged up window. The rain poured heavily around them, surrounding them with the soothing sound of water patting against the roof. Feeling her eyes droop, the young woman cleared her throat.

Now that there was space up front, Alan had taken the seat next to Ian, leaving Aster with the entire back row to stretch out on. Given her current state, that probably wasn't a good idea. She could feel her exhaustion seeping through her bones and fought with every ounce of willpower to stay awake.

Yawning behind her hand, she rubbed her burning eyes before lightly slapping her cheeks. Sniffing, she found that she sounded like she had a runny nose but she didn't. It was because she was tired.

"Do you have any kids?" Alan asked out of the blue as he shifted in his seat to look at both Aster and Ian. His sun hat was still resting on top of his head despite the midnight sky.

"Me?" Dr Malcom asked as he unscrewed the top of his flask. "Oh, oh, hell, yeah. Three. I love kids," he answered with a smile as he took a swig. "Anything at all can and does happen. Same with wives, for that matter."

Shaking his head, Alan politely declined the beverage he was offered. "You're married?" He asked instead as he moved around to get more comfortable.

"Occasionally," Ian answered as he took another sip before he sealed off his flask. "Uh, yeah, I-I'm always on the lookout for a future ex-Mrs Malcom," he said with a chuckle before he winked at the brunette sitting in the back. "What about you?" He asked her.

Looking out of the window, Aster wiped it clean with her sleeve. "No kids," she muttered loud enough for them to hear. Carlisle's words rang around her mind while her hand subtly gripped her right side hip bone. Swallowing thickly, she shook her head.

"By the way, Dr Sattler, um, she's not, like, available, is she?" Dr Malcom asked after a few minutes of silence. When Alan asked why, Ian instantly recognised his tone of voice. "Hey, I'm sorry," he apologised. "You two are, uh,"

"Yeah," Alan said, cutting off the man's sentence as he looked at him with an unreadable expression pressed against his face. Letting out a grinding noise, the car came to a sudden halt. "Hey, what'd I touch?" Alan asked with his hands raised.

"Uh, you didn't touch anything. We stopped," Dr Malcom muttered in confusion while Aster leaned closer with frowned brows. Inclining her head to the side, she watched with squinted eyes as the jeep in front, stopped a few meters in front of them.

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