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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚎𝚗

Leaning her arms over the metal balcony, Aster raised her Groovy Chick mug to her lips. Her eyes closed momentarily as she blew on her steaming hot beverage before she took a tentative sip. Her mouth burnt as she swallowed it down but she didn't mind.

Dark pools of mahogany orbs lowered to the ground where they lingered on the Tardis. She was sitting in the distance, a good twenty feet away from the building. No one seemed to notice her as they walked past, treating her as if she had been there for years when she hadn't.

When asked, the Doctor had explained that his ship was surrounded by a Low-Level Perception Filter which caused pedestrians to be unable to focus their gaze upon her. They would not see her and would just walk past like she was a shadow pressed against a wall.

In a mist of confusion, Aster had asked that if her neighbours couldn't see the Tardis, then why could she, her sister, her mother and Mickey? He answered with a smile, telling her with a softened gaze that they could all see her because they wanted to.

Swallowing another mouthful of tea, Aster nestled her bottom lip between her teeth. Her gaze watched the blue box intently. The Doctor had slipped inside, early that morning to prepare his beloved ship for their departure.

That night, he had scanned his Bonded with his Sonic-Screwdriver and was relieved to see a clean bill of health. From there, he had hesitantly asked if she could like to go on another adventure with him.

Aster had paused at the question. Her mind had reeled back to the last two she had experienced. In one, she had been possessed by a woman determined to live. Cassandra had been forgiven, there was no doubt about that. And why shouldn't she have been? She was just doing what her instincts told her to do and that was to survive.

And in the second one, she, along with Dr Alan Grant, had worked together to keep two kids alive all while trekking across a scorching island with deadly Dinosaurs lurking around every corner. Not to mention the fact that when they had finally gotten to safety, they, along with Dr Ellie Sattler and River Song, had been hunted by Velociraptors.

All in all, her last two adventures, while thrilling, had not been great. She had nearly died four times and had died once, in the space of a week and five days. It was not something she actively went out to achieve like it was some sort of world record. She'd had enough of that when she was with Justin.

Although, this time it was different. Any normal person would have said no and walked away but Aster didn't want to do that. She knew the danger and she understood the risks but a part of her, and it was a very large part, demanded that she remain with the Doctor.

Whether it was because she actually wanted to stay with him or whether it was because she was his Bonded, she didn't care. For once, she wanted to do something for herself. After talking about it with her mum where, admittedly, she had broken down a couple of times, she had realised that staying with him was the right thing to do.

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