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Todays the day I debut, as well the rest of my gen mates. I'll be going last in my gen in turn of debuting.

I was pacing back and fourth in my room, my debut is about to start in a couple of minutes, oh god

(Y/n): Nervous

If you can't tell, I'm a little nervous, but I watched the rest of the councils streams. It seems I wasn't alone in being nervous.

Ah shit, the stream is about to start.

I sat down in the chair and took a deep breath

I turned on avatar and started the stream

My avatar is actually identical to me as it was for the rest of the council, as cosplaying was becoming more normal and you can see cosplayers in the streets most of the time, so I think we'll be fine.

(Y/n): Y-Yo, my name is (Y/n), I am a user of a ability called the force, not as impressive as being a concept of chaos or time but I think I'm just as important hehe

I read my comments, they were saying things like "wait a minute, a boy wtf" ".......smash". These people are different I suppose, but it's funny so I'll let it slide.

But one comment caught my eye. It said "would you mind explaining what the force is?".

(Y/n): the force?....well it's kinda hard to explain. It's everywhere to start, it's in and all around us, but only a few people can control it, luckily I'm one of these people. Not to brag or anything but I was one of the best force users I know.

I then continued the stream by answering some question

(Y/n): my age? You Im 19. Just a little bit younger then sana, just a little tho

(Y/n): type in women? Uhhh....I guess any tbh, I haven't dated once so I'll take almost anything lmao, but what really catches my attention is girls with animal ears or tails. Oh and horns to, very specific but it's the truth, of course it's rare to find Demi humans but that won't stop me.

Little did I know, both Mumei and baelz were tuned into my stream.

Baelz: ha, bro probably already has a hard on for me!

While baelz was laughing her ass off, Mumei was quite quiet


She touched her head but to no ones surprise, she did not have Demi-ears.

Mumei: (Thinking) I wonder if he.......wait! What am I thinking! I barely know him, why would I care about if I hade demi ears or not! Hmm....

Baelz interrupted Mumei's deep thinking

Baelz:Hmm~ Mumei? Are you sad that you won't be on (Y/n)'s radar~?

Mumei snapped out of her thinking and blushed

Mumei: What! Of course not! I don't even know him that well!

Mumei keep giving out excuses while baelz giggled at her antics

Baelz: sure, sure

Back to (Y/n), he answered a couple more questions and was nearing the end of his stream, but, he saw a comment saying "who's your favorite member of the council?"

(Y/n): my favorite member?.........I don't have a favorite member, I like them all a lot and I want to get them to know them more.

As if the stars aligned, I saw a comment from baelz

Baelz:(Y/n) stopp~ your making me blush. But, not as bad a Mumei.

Right on cue, Mumei comments as well

One with the Force (Holocouncil x Male Force Sensitive Reader)Where stories live. Discover now