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(Y/n) POV

We bring fauna to our building on my back, she's still unconscious

We go to her room, and I lay her on her bed

Mumei: she needs time to build up her strength


Baelz:.....so now can we talk about what happened back there

I sigh

(Y/n):...sure, what do you want to ask?

Before Baelz can speak, sana speaks out

Sana: how did you beat all of them so easily?!

(Y/n): hm?.....oh...right

(Y/n): well, I don't know if I told you guys yet but my abilities get stronger when I'm in an emotional state. Anger, sadness....they make the force stronger. Allowing me to tap in to more of my strength....but that did make me a little more violent when fighting....as corny as that sounds

("A little more violent" bro ripped a girl's arm off 💀)

Sana: really? That's pretty cool

I smile softly at her then baelz clears her throat

Baelz: as I was going to say, what happened with you and the apple?

I think about her question for a bit, then I shrug

(Y/n): I actually have no clue, I thought I only use your abilities. But it seems like I took the apples healing ability.

Kronii: what, so can you just heal anything now?

(Y/n): I doubt it, it already took a lot of energy to heal fauna, and I didn't even heal her completely. So I'm going to guess I cannot.

Kronii: oh, yeah that makes sense

Baelz: I've noticed that what happened is like when I was stabbed.

Kronii: you mean when he stopped breathing for a bit?

Baelz: yeah, that

(Y/n):....I what?

Baelz: oh right, I guess we didn't tell you. Yeah, you stopped breathing and you started to fight much better than you do normally do. It was pretty cool

(Y/n):...huh.....that's new.....

Mumei: I think we should leave fauna to rest, I don't want to accidentally wake her because of us talking

They nod and then they head out. But Mumei stops and looks at me

Mumei: are you coming?


(Y/n): nah, im gonna stay here. It's kinda my fault she got pierced....

Mumei: but....

She bit the inside of her lip a bit

Mumei: alright.....just....don't beat yourself up to much about it ok?

(Y/n):...alright, I won't.....I promise

I smile at her. Her cheeks turn a slight pink and she smiles back

She then turns and leaves. Closing the door behind her. Leaving the room silent

I look down at the sleeping fauna

I sigh, I pull up a chair and sit next to her bed

I watch as she snores quietly


(Y/n):.....i must look like a creep huh?.......my bad

I look away at the ceiling

One with the Force (Holocouncil x Male Force Sensitive Reader)Where stories live. Discover now