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(Y/n) POV


I rub my eyes and slowly open them

(Y/n): I feel asleep....

I was here to watch fauna right?....

Speaking of fauna...

Where is she?

I look around and eventually my eyes fall on the bed I'm laying on

(Y/n): hm?

I see fauna sleeping soundly, quietly snoring


Suddenly I feel myself get pull closer to her until I'm buried in her chest...

I see.....


I can't breathe

I gently pull myself out of her grasp and get up from her bed

(Y/n): now you need to stay here and heal

I tuck her into bed


I promise I won't let you get hurt again....i won't let it happen to anyone...

I walk out of the room

(King crimson)

I sat down on the couch in the living room

(Y/n): (sigh)....(Fr/n).....what are you planning?

I know he said something about how my blood line is deeply connected to the council's powers or something like that. But why would he want it?

Was it something about his parents?...he never told me about them so I guess that makes sense

But to kill me over it? Even after everything I still can't believe it....

But he hurt fauna, or more specifically his group....in fact they almost killed her.....if I didn't gain the apples power then she'd....(sigh)....

I have to stop him, who knows what lengths he will go to kill me.

Now that I think about it....why would he want fauna's apple? I get that it's useful but I know (Fr/n) is thinking bigger....

I'm worried

Baelz: whatcha talking about?

(Y/n): Ahh!?!

What the hell?!

I turn to look behind me and see baelz giggling slyly

Baelz: did I scare you~?

(Y/n): no, of course not!

Baelz laughs

Baelz: sure sure, anyway, what were you talking about?....and talking to yourself?

(Y/n): I uh.....I was thinking about fauna and (Fr/n).....yesterday was terrifying intense.

Baelz's smile starts to fade

Baelz: right.....how is fauna by the way?

(Y/n): she's still sleeping, we don't have her apple and my new healing powers isn't strong enough to make a bent in her healing process for some reason

Baelz: didn't you bring her back to life though?

(Y/n): yeah, that's why I'm confused

Baelz: I see....heh, that reminds me, have you seen mumei today?

(Y/n): mumei? No I haven't. Why?

Baelz: fufu! You should've seen her. She looked like a psychopath with a killing intent!

One with the Force (Holocouncil x Male Force Sensitive Reader)Where stories live. Discover now