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(Y/n): I got to figure out what happened.....something big is happening....i just know it

10 minutes prior

(Fr/n) POV

So this is the golden apple they used to get back in the fight so quickly?

If all goes to plan.....there's no telling how high I could go....

Umi walked in the room with her regular emotionless face

Umi: you wanted to see me?

(Fr/n): perfect timing, I need you to come with me


I walk out the room with Umi following close behind

Umi: boss, where are we going?

(Fr/n): a place that will lead to my victory

Umi listen to my words with interest

Umi: I why am I needed?

(Fr/n): because you play an important part in my more than anyone

Umi: I see...

(King crimson)

Umi: boss....are we arriving at our destination?

(Fr/n): we are

Umi looks around and her eyes eventually fall on to a pad on the ground

Umi: I assume you're talking about that pad on the ground?

(Fr/n): yes, now stand on it

We both get on the pad as it activates

Umi: it's Turing on?

(Fr/n): it's a teleporter, it's bringing us to the place where I learned to control my power

The pad glows and eventually warps us to the temple, but it's not the same main entrance as when I first arrived here

(Fr/n): we're here, now hurry....also, lower your energy level to the bare minimum...I can't afford us getting caught

Umi: affirmative.....wait caught?

(Fr/n): just come on

We hurry through the temple, taking the route of least contact with the students and teachers here

Eventually we make it to our destination, on secret room inside the temple.

It's filled with machines and a IV stand

Umi: what is this....?

(Fr/n): this is where you come in....i need your power core power core?.....for what reason

(Fr/n): your core is made of an element that makes a near infinite amount of energy...I need it to power this machine and the golden apple

Umi looked hesitant at first

(Fr/n): look....umi...I need...this....with this I can achieve my goal I so longed for...ever since I was a

Umi was quiet for a was easy to tell that she was thinking of the others with the force...and....(Y/n) for some reason?

Umi:....alright...I'll do it

Her chest opened up and revealed a sphere of glowing blue energy

(Fr/n): thank put it over there

I point to a stand with cables connecting to it

She walks over and places the core on the stand. The cords automatically connect to it, the cords start directing the energy into the machine

One with the Force (Holocouncil x Male Force Sensitive Reader)Where stories live. Discover now