Escape artists

760 22 12

(Y/n) POV

(Fr/n): this is gonna be fun!~

He uses the force to rip the tree he crashed into from its roots and throws it at us

Mumei slashes the tree in half with one swipe of her nails

(Fr/n) dash at her, going to grab her neck

(Y/n): i won't let you!

I use force stasis on him, freezing him in pace

Mumei then hits the meanest axe kick I ever seen to the back of his head, leaving him in a crater

(Y/n): GOD DAMN!

Mumei uses her wings and flys above him

Feathers from her wings come off and float beside her.

She fires them at (Fr/n) at high speeds


He rolls out of the way of her feather bullets, not before being pierced by most of them

(Fr/n): fuck!

He gets up, the wounds her feathers gave him bleed

He pulls out a feather from his skin

(Fr/n): feathers? These things do way to much damage to be regular feathers. There something different about them....

Mumei: there sharper then regular feathers, combined with the fact I can fire them at high speeds make them extra deadly!

(Fr/n): I see....

(Y/n): aren't you forgetting someone!?

I throw my lightsaber at him

He deflects it

(Fr/n): you really got to stop losing tha-

Before he can finish, I deck him in the face, pushing him back a bit

(Y/n): and you need to stop letting your guard down!

He gets back upright and wipes the blood from his nose

(Fr/n):....point taken.....then how about this

He force chokes Mumei, squeeze her neck

Mumei: AGH!

(Fr/n): remember how I said ill kill you then go after this owl girl? How about we speed it up a little?

He squeeze harder

Mumei visibly becomes unable to breathe

(Y/n): Let her go!!!

I tackle him to the ground

Mumei gets let free, as she starts coughing

Mumei: I thought....I thought I was going die...

I get on top of him and grab his head

I then go to punch him again, but he grabs my hand and kicks me off

(Fr/n): just like when we were younger, you get way to emotional when you fight

(Y/n): shut it

I use the force to retrieve my lightsaber and continue to go blow for blow with him

The sparks that come from us clashing flies around us

While that's happening, Mumei recovers from being nearly choked to death

Mumei rubs her neck before looking at (Fr/n) and I's clash

She's surprised by how fast were going, it was like watching two blurs fight each other

Mumei: wow.......they're incredible......for humans to be able to do this is unthinkable........

One with the Force (Holocouncil x Male Force Sensitive Reader)Where stories live. Discover now