🐀 o'clock

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(I'm running out of ideas for titles)

(Y/n) POV

It's the day after my little hangout with Mumei, I set foot in the office and is met with, you guessed it, Mumei

It looks like she just entered too, Mumei looks like she couldn't sleep right

She sees me and waves weakly

Mumei: (yawn) hello....

(Y/n): hey Mumei, you had a good sleep?

She freezes up a bit before speaking

Mumei: yes! Yes I did....

Mumei POV

Mumei: yes! Yes I did....

such a obvious lie....

My hair looks like I just woke up and I have eye bags

But of course, I'm not gonna tell him that I was playing with the doll all night, that's just weird, I don't want him thinking I'm weird!

(Y/n) POV

Well that was a lie

(Y/n): are you sure? You look a little tir-

I was interrupted when Kronii walked in

Kronii: hey Mumei!.....(Y/n)...

She gives me a look, why did I do?!?

Kronii: I'm sure you enjoyed your off times after your stream Mumei..

I was gonna reply but my alarm for my time to stream went off

(Y/n): oh! Sorry you guys, I gotta stream now. Bye!

Mumei: bye!

She says as Kronii waves with less energy
Than Mumei

They continued to talk with each other as I went to my room

Today was a Minecraft stream

I turned on my pc and started the stream

(Y/n): hey guys, we're streaming Minecraft today!

I log into the holoEN realm and was brought into my house

It's quite literally a oak box house, the worse you can get

But that's to hide the fact that everything is underground, I made my own little world here~

Only difference was that my place completely filled with sponges

Their was a sign

It said "cheese from your favorite rat :D"




(Y/n): chat Im a little mad...

I cleaned out the "cheese" and continued on playing

Only other notable thing I did was starting a wildfire by accident......

.......My bad

(King crimson)

I finished my stream, now what should I do now?....

As I said that I feel a presence in my room....

....I'm pretty sure I know who it is....

I turn around and sure enough

It was baelz mid warp, sometimes I forget that they're concepts and have actual powers

She steps onto the floor and gives me a smirk

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