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(Y/n) POV

I returned from Japan a couple of days ago, the collab as pretty fun and very much worth it

Although the end was a little scary....

They got very clingly near the end....mostly suisei, polka, and pekora.....

Then they started fighting.....

I had no say in what happened......

But whatever it was fun!

Then that reminded me when I returned back here...


I look up at the building and it was all fucked up! How did this even happen?!

(Y/n): what the hell?!

The building had a bunch of holes in it, with vines and space rocks attached and stuck in the building

Then I see the others......and it looked like they were fighting

And I have no clue why

So I did the logical thing to do


They snap their heads towards me

Mumei/Baelz/Kronii/Fauna/Sana:.......uh oh....

(Flashback end)

Apparently if I'm not there, they get all agitated or something....i don't really get it myself

But whatever, something important is going on

What I found out is that the entirety of eofte has been on break for a while I got suspicious

I mean, they the opps and they're known for jumping so I was wondering what devious plan they have cooking up that they had to go on break

So I talked to baelz about it, and apparently she also noticed

Baelz: remember last time we went out and fought those two women?

(Y/n): I think was Umi and mitsuo right?

Baelz: yeah them, how I found them trough a little system I created, it lets me track energy levels. So if they exude enough energy, I can track them!

(Y/n): that's pretty smart.....considering it's you. Good job

I patted her head

Baelz leans into my hand

Baelz: ahh~ it was nothing~!

She seems to catch herself and pushes my hand off and shakes her head, blushing.

Baelz: a-anyways! I've found where they are at. Do you want to confront them? The rest are also available to help

Well it would be the only other time that we had the drop on them......

(Y/n): sure, this time we'll get the drop on them!

Baelz: hehe! I like the way you think

So we decided to get the jump on them

Baelz went and told the rest of the council that we're basically going to fight eofte

They accepted, saying they were bored and wanted to do something anyway

We got together and went on our way......what could possibly go wrong

(Fr/n) POV

We continue to get ready at a nearby forest

(Fr/n): so you guys remember the plan?

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