Prologue: Welcome Home

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Hello everyone! Finally after taking some time away from writing, and going over this chapter multiple times, editing, rewriting, mulling over to myself on how to start, the first installment of ATLA is here! Decided to go a try something different than other books I've read but I just mulled over if I should or not but decided to say screw it and have some fun with it. I'll also be trying different things in future chapters, have a few ideas along with how I'll write, want to change things up but also experiment. But other than that it's great to be back and hope you all enjoy!!!


-Third POV-


War never changes...

For a hundred years, the people of the Fire Nation have known nothing but war as we watched our fathers, our grandfathers, and our great-grandfathers fight in the war for the prosperity of our nation, our livelihoods, and in the name of our Fire Lord. We have conquered and expanded our territory into the outskirts of the Earth Kingdom, but not with heavy resistance of course from their forces. We lost countless men and women of all ages, from the young to the old in this what feels like endless war that feels like a waste with us getting very little ground. Despite the deaths of many and the struggles we endured from the war, we continue to prevail and push forward. But is it all worth it? What is our purpose in this war? Sure some fight for and protect our nation, to better the lives of themselves and their loved ones, others for glory and fame, those who seek adventure and friendship, and then there are those serving completely out of loyalty to our nation and the Fire Lord, but myself... I honestly don't know. Especially considering I was forced to fight this war that took so much from me.

I lost many friends, family, and close ones to this endless war but got what we needed in more land and resources taken from the Earth Kingdom at the start of the war. So why continue to fight when we got what we needed? Why continue the senseless violence and the countless deaths? I ask the same question and many other questions to myself at night after intense battles and surviving on another day, but despite questioning the purpose of this war, l am probably the only one who feels that this war is pointless while the rest simply embraced the war or just grew accustomed to it. This made sense in a way with us being at war for a hundred years, the Fire Nation and the people just grew accustomed to the war and accepted it in their daily lives. Though for me, I'm tired of all this and hope this war will just end, but I guess time can only tell and all I can do is hope... hope for something to change the ties of the war...

"There you are (Y/N), what are you doing here?" A voice called out, startling said person who slightly jumped and snapped his head around away from his journal to stare directly at the person who startled him.

"Spirits Shun! Don't sneak up on me man, nearly gave me a heart attack!" The startled individual exclaimed, glaring at the individual.

Standing beside the metal door leading into the dimly lit room was a young man known as Shun stood confidently beside the imposing metal door that led into a room shrouded in darkness. He looked to be in his late teens, with short dark brown hair that framed his light complexion and there was also a small faint scar over his upper lip. He was dressed in striking red armor, consisting of a maroon chest plate with bright red trim on the edges and down the center, along with shoulder pads and lower body armor of a similar shade. Underneath the armor, he wore a dark gray long-sleeve shirt, black pants, black boots, and black gauntlets with bright red trim at the ends. A metal belt buckle secured a belt around his waist, completing his formidable appearance.

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