Chapter 3: Happy Reunion Part 3

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Chapter took much longer then I wanted, didn't like the original, mostly with how I wrote Azula that I made so I practically started from scratch.


-Third POV-

"So that happened..." (Y/N) muttered under his breath, kiss marks all over his face, and was lucky he brought a rag with him from home, wiping the marks off his face as he made his way to his next destination.

He managed to break free from the girls' hold, with Ty Lee trying desperately to pry her sisters off him before they escalated the situation and rip his clothes off of him, which they were dangerously close to doing. Once he broke free from their hold and with the help from Ty Lee blocking her sisters, he took the opportunity to jump out of the window of her room, much to the disappointment of the other girls and Ty Lee's annoyance. As soon as he left, he could've sworn he heard Ty Lee erupted in a storm of curses at her siblings for interrupting her one chance with him, berating them for picking the worst possible time to try and seduce him. He wasn't sure if his ears were messing with him since he nervously heard such anger from such a loving, caring, and energetic girl.

(Y/N) was still shocked by the encounter, his mind racing as he tried to process the chaotic events with the sudden appearance of Ty Lee's sisters, which had caught him completely off guard. They had lunged at him with unexpected aggression, each trying to kiss him, which he resisted as best he could and amidst the chaos. He distinctly felt a few hands tugging at his clothes, attempting to strip him down, mostly trying to pull down his pants. The whole situation left him bewildered and a situation that frightened him at the looks they gave him and one he wasn't going to forget anytime soon. He knew Ty Lee had strong feelings for him, but the intensity of her sisters' advances was something he hadn't anticipated at all.

Thankfully, Ty Lee was there to prevent her sisters from stripping him down and doing anything to him long enough for him to get out of there, even though she wanted him to stay there but her sister ruined everything. While (Y/N) felt a little bit of guilt for running off like that without saying a proper goodbye, he felt relief and thankful for her sisters interrupting them because, at that moment, he feared he was going to do something he would definitely regret. He momentarily blamed Mai for leaving him all tense after teasing him before departing but shook it off, mentally scolding himself for almost giving in to the temptation. What made the situation more complicated was the fact that Ty Lee's attractive sisters also seemed to want a piece of him, and if Ty Lee didn't defend and join them... he shuddered at the thought.

Though (Y/N) found himself briefly fantasizing about what it would be like to be with all seven of them at once he quickly slapped himself to get such thoughts out of his head. (Y/N) had a suspicion that her sisters were a bit attracted to him, maybe even interested, based on their last few interactions where they had thrown some flirtatious remarks his way or looks that Mai gives him when she's in the... mood. While all of Ty Lee's sisters were gorgeous, even though they all looked identical, they each had their own charm and beauty, he wasn't as close to them as he was to Ty Lee. He hadn't spent a whole lot of time with any of them, other than sharing brief conversations or running into them in public or at the house, but despite their beauty and the obvious interest they showed, he knew that his connection with them was superficial at best.

He rarely saw them all together, except on a few occasions or when they were chatting with each other, so it was a bit of a shock to find all seven sisters in the same room. From what Ty Lee had told him, and from what he noticed, because they all looked so identical to each other, they were often confused for one another by strangers, their servants, and even their own parents at times. This constant mix-up led the sisters to somewhat distance themselves from one another to avoid confusion, especially in public. To also help tell them apart, they all wore different colored clothes to help avoid the confusion, which had helped but they still got confused on several occasions. Not only did they dress differently, but each sister also developed her own unique talent to stand out.

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