Chapter 1: Happy Reunion Part 1

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Hello everyone! Welcome back for another chapter of my installment of ATLA. I will say this chapter took some time to make, mostly because of trying to get the right tempo, but also being one of my longest chapters to date. 10,419 words to be exact. And this only a first parter too! Editing, proofreading, and doing all sorts of changes to my liking did make this drag on longer than I wanted and sorry for the wait.

One thing I want to warn the next couple chapters I'll be going back and forth with the flashbacks. Again trying something different or trying a different writing formula for at least the first couple chapters to build up some backstory and change up some things. So bare with me for the next couple chapters until we reached the main start of the ATLA series. But than that I hope you all enjoy!!!


-Third POV-

(Y/N) stood before a grandiose mansion nestled within the prestigious noble district of Hari Bulkan, the heart of the city ensconced within the ancient confines of a volcanic crater where the royal family resides and most if not all high-ranking nobles live. The large house in front of him was rather luxurious-looking with its pristine white stone walls adorned with crimson-hued roof tiles accented by intricate golden trimmings. Taking a deep breath he walked up to the dark maroon wooden door and knocked on the door where he stood there waiting for the door to open. Moments later, the door creaked open to reveal a young boy no older than eight clad in a simple ensemble of light red attire paired with sleek black trousers, his features softened by the innocence of youth with short, ebony locks framing his cherubic face and warm amber eyes that widened in shock at who was at the door.

"Hey squirt." The returning young soldier greeted with a large smile on his face upon seeing who opened the door, to which the small child's eyes widened in shock and a large ecstatic smile appeared on his mom.

"Mom! (Y/N)'s back!" The boy screamed in joy before throwing himself at the young man, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Wow, easy there bud." (Y/N) chuckled feeling the force of the impact as he patted his head.

"(Y/N)..." The voice, gentle yet tinged with a hint of concern, drew (Y/N)'s attention upward, where he beheld the figure of a woman.

She looked to be in her early forties to maybe mid-forties, but despite her age, she possessed an ethereal beauty, her fair complexion bearing the subtle imprints of a life well-lived in the delicate lines that graced the corners of her eyes and lips. She has long silky hair with a portion elegantly swept up into a regal bun atop her head, adding to her aura of refinement. Her eyes, the color of black onyx, shimmered with a depth of emotion as she regarded (Y/N) with a mixture of warmth and apprehension upon his arrival, something the young man felt relaxed upon seeing. She is wearing a deep crimson robe with dark yellow trims, with the robe itself looking to be made from luxurious fabric due to the quality of the robe.

"Hey mom, I'm back." The young man greeted with a warm smile as the woman ran up to him and pulled in for a loving, motherly embrace.

"My baby..." She softly said, kissing his cheeks, her eyes reddened as if she was ready to cry. "I should be used to this, but every time you get sent out I... I fear the day a high-ranking officer comes knocking on our door to tell me you've fallen on the battlefield..."

"It's okay mom, I'm back and in one piece." He said reassuringly, rubbing her back comfortably.

"You have cool stories?!" The boy between the two asked excitedly.

"You bet, but that'll wait till later. I just got back and have a few things to do today, maybe tonight or tomorrow."

"Awwww." The boy said disappointedly.

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