Chapter 4: An Unpleasant Reunion

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So for some reason the image of the sword that was gifted isn't showing up on my end no matter what I do, so for those hasn't seen it or still can see the image of the sword, here it is:

So for some reason the image of the sword that was gifted isn't showing up on my end no matter what I do, so for those hasn't seen it or still can see the image of the sword, here it is:

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And also, I will say I was a bit surprised by the positive feedback about the last chapter since I was very worried/concerned about how I wrote Azula. But it does make me feel good and more confident in myself that a lot of the feedback as positive. So I want to say so thank you all for the support and hope you continue to follow the story! Thank you and hope you enjoy!


-Third POV-

"We're surrounded!"

"Shit! Look out!"


"My legs!"

"We need to get out of here!"

"Stand your ground men!"

"There's too many of them!"

"I said hold damn it!!!"

"(Y/N)! Behind you!"


The loud clamor of voices echoed in (Y/N)'s mind, jolting him awake. He shot up in bed, his chest heaving with labored breaths, a thin layer of sweat coating his bare skin. He looked around wildly, his heart pounding as he took in the darkness of his room, the faint outlines of familiar furniture slowly coming into focus. Realizing he was safely sleeping in his bed and was safely in his room and not caught in the turmoil of his dream. Seeing how he was in his room began to calm down as his breathing began to steady and his heart began to slow down before turning his gaze beside him where Mai lay soundlessly asleep, clinging to the blanket she was snuggly tucked under.

A soft smile tugged at his lips as he watched her, memories of the passionate and heated night they had shared flooding back to him. The warmth of those moments, the intimacy they had shared, and the way she made him feel secure and cherished. Gently, he reached over and caressed her cheek, his touch light enough not to disturb her slumber. Her skin was soft and warm beneath his fingertips, and he felt a pang of guilt gnawing at him. Recalling what had happened at Ty Lee's place that weighed heavily on his conscience, and though he knew it was neither the time nor place to dwell on it, the guilt was inescapable. He let out a small sigh knowing full well the reason why he woke and knew what he needed to do, something he should've done earlier.

Reaching down for his red robe that lay tossed on the ground beside the bed, (Y/N) sat up and slipped it on, tying the front securely. He then glanced back at Mai, relieved to see she was still soundly asleep, her face peaceful and undisturbed by his movements. With a soft sigh of relief, he quietly exited the room, closing the door gently behind him. The hallway was dark with the only light coming from the faint moonlight filtering through the windows. He moved silently, his bare feet making no sound on the cool floor as it didn't take him long to reach his destination at the end of the hallway. Standing in front of a wooden door, he took a deep breath before carefully opening it and stepping into the near-pitch-black room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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