Chapter 2: Happy Reunion Part 2

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-Third POV-

"Man I needed that..." (Y/N) said with a large satisfied yet goofy grin plastered on his face.

"Mhmm." Mai hummed in agreement, a small satisfied smile of her own as she snuggled close to the young man. The young couple rested by a tree at the edge of the backyard, secluded from any prying eyes that would walk into the garden. The two laid there with their clothes poorly put back together and Mai with her hair a bit of a mess.

"If I knew you'd be that pent up I would've taken this back to my room.~" She added in suggestively, rubbing her hand on his chest. "Especially since you made me hit my head on the tree here."

"Sorry about that, I got a bit too carried away since we hadn't done it since our first time before my last deployment." (Y/N) apologized sheepishly which brought a small giggle from Mai.

"Hey I ain't complaining, but next time save the aggressiveness for the bedroom.~" She teased, giving his cheek a gentle kiss.

"Yes ma'am." He gave her a playful salute much to her amusement as the two lay there, staring up into the beautiful blue cloud sky through the lush leaves of the tree they rested up against.

"It's good to be back home." He let out a small content sigh, pulling Mai closer to her which she embraced.

"Good to have you back." She said with her head resting on his chest before looking up at him with a slight smirk. "Though now that you're back we should really talk about officially getting married and holding a ceremony, my mom keeps pestering me about that..."

"Spirits I wish we could just sign the documents but no, our mothers want to make a whole ceremony out of it." (Y/N) let out a small frustrated groan. "One of the first things my mother brought up when I got back is finalizing our engagement and for us to get married."

"At least you are gone most of the time, I had to stay here and put up with our mother's pestering me and giving me their 'ideas' for the wedding." She responded letting out a small groan of her own.

"To be fair I'd rather deal with them then risk my life out in the battlefield." He said with a small dry chuckle.

"At this point I want to trade places just to get away from her..." She grumbled in annoyance, earning another chuckle from him.

"Then it's probably best we get it done as soon as we can before I get redeployed. That way we get it out of the way and they'll stop pestering us." He kissed the top of her head. "Do you have anything in mind about the wedding or anything specific you want?"

"Honestly, I could care less about the wedding as long as we're together but if we're forced to have it then I want it to be simple and not over the top like my mom and yours want it to be." She sighed which brought out a small chuckle from the young man though nodded his head in agreement.

"I wouldn't mind something small with just friends and family but our mothers want to make it grand. We'll have to talk to them out of making it a big thing since you have a fear of large crowds." (Y/N) joked with a grin which made her look back at him with a stern look.

"I don't have a fear of large crowds, and you know it. I just hate all that interaction that comes with the crowd." She retorted.

"Hey, I'm only kidding." He chuckled nervously, feeling himself shrink from her hardened gaze.

"Sure you were." Mai rolled her eyes with a soft smile on her face before it quickly faltered. "But if we want a small ceremony does that mean that we have to invite... them?"

"Still haven't talked to the two?"

"Maybe like once or twice on some rare occasions to show face in public to prevent on causing a scene but other than that, no." She answered as the man let out a small sigh, feeling a bit guilty and felt he was responsible for their falling out.

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