Chapter Three

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A/N: It 2 on in the background. Yup. Again.

Help I am growing insane.


Mike's POV:


So I did end up texting the others about Richie's plans, hopefully they can get there in time.

But I bet it's already too late.


Richie's POV:


I walked into Eddie's room, opening the book to the page Mike showed me.

"Ok.. It's gonna be ok, Ed's.." I mutter, reading what the ritual requires.

'Turn off all the lights and hold one of their hands, this book in the other hand of yours, and say why you want them back.'

I sighed, turning off the lights and held his left hand, holding the book in the other.

"I want you back because.. God, Eddie. I can't live without you. You're the best thing thats ever happened to me.. I love you, I really do," I whispered, closing my eyes tightly.


I open my eyes widely, tears forming in my eyes.


"I'm... Alive..?"

"Yes! Yes holy- holy fuck you're ok!"

I jumped up turning on the lights to see a very alive Eddie.

"I should tell the nurses you woke up- and the others oh my god they'll be so happy!"

"Dude.. What happened?"

"You don't remember literally getting stabbed in the stomach by Pennywise?"

"Oh, right. Yeah, now I do."

"Yeah, so let me get a nurse- I'll be back."


I walked out, smiling brightly, way more than anyone ever should at this hour.

Oh, a nurse.

"Hey, uhm Eddie Kaspbrak just woke up from his coma."


"Eddie Kaspbrak, he was in a coma for three days, he just woke up."

"Ok..? What room number?"

"203, Ma'am."

She nodded and walked off, I texted Mike.

'Dude, thank you SO much, Eddie just woke up thanks

 to your magic shit :D'

Mike 'N Ike


'What magic shit? Rich what

 are you talking about? Who's Eddie?'

'The hell are YOU talking about?? Eddie Kaspbrak, our friend, remember? 

Your magic book thing just helped him wake up from his coma'

Mike 'N Ike

'Holy shit you took the magic book?

Do you know how dangerous that is? 

It can literally change the course of people's lives.

What did you do?'

'I just woke him from his coma.. That's it.'

Mike 'N Ike



I checked the page again, reading the 'reverse meaning'.

'WARNING: Doing this may result in memory loss of everyone except performer and target.'

How the fuck did I miss that?

Well shit.

Shit, shit shit.

What am I going to fucking do?


390 words





I just ugly cried over Eddie's canon death scene 



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