Chapter Five

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Richie's POV


I parked the car to the hotel, Eddie let go of my hand as we walked in.

"God I am so tired, shit why did you do this Rich?"

"All I did was save you."

"You also put a fucking curse on everyone else!"

"We'll figure it out, just, go shower I'll be waiting in my room when you're done."

He left and I sighed, stepping into my room and locking the door, flopping onto my bed.

"Why did I do this, god why the fuck did I do this. I've probably just ruined everyone's lives oh my god."

I groaned as I looked up at the ceiling.




"Rich, I'm ready to go see Mike."

I quickly finished brushing my hair as I had showered too, opening the door I was met with Eddie looking absolutely pissed off.


"Nothing, lets go."

As I started driving, I started to get anxiety.

First off, Mike is going to be pissed at me.

Second off, Eddie hasn't said anything in return to the 'I love you' thing. Shit, I don't even know what I meant by that.

Ok, well maybe I do but. 
I'm just worried. This isn't going to go right.

"You ok, Richie?"

I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Huh- oh yeah, I'm fine, why?"

"You look super stressed out."

"Well of course I am dumbass, Mike's gonna be pissed off at me."

"Is that the only thing?"

He looked at me, softly smirking.

Shit he knows thats not the only thing.

"Yeah yeah yeah, not in the mood to talk about that right now, Ed's."

"Well all I'm saying is that you can't ignore it forever, we're gonna have to talk about it at some point."

"I know, I know. Shit I know. I wish I never said anything so you could shut up about it."

He stayed silent before talking again, more soft though.

"You wish you never said it?"

"Well- Not like in a bad way, like in a 'I wish I never said that because I don't want to ruin everything and I've felt this way since we were thirteen' kind of way."

He blushed slightly.

"Jesus Christ you've felt like that since we were thirteen? Oh my god."

"I know, I'm even shocked I didn't blurt it out in the past.. Probably because I told Stan and he never thought it was a good idea to tell you, so he would always tell me to shut up."

"You told Stan?"

"Yeah of course I did he was like my second best friend."

"Oh, right."

"Don't worry loser, you're still my number one best friend."

"Hah, best friend," I heard him mumble.

I smiled, pulling into Mike's house.

Eddie knocked on the door, prompting Mike to open it, staring at the both of us.

"Ok, I'm guessing that's Eddie, right?"


"Ok, come in."

We walked in, instantly getting chills.

"So, you stole my magic book?"

"Yeah but it was for good reason-"

"Clearly not, Rich, have you tried calling the others to see if they remember Eddie?"

"No, because you and this nurse lady were enough proof to me, plus the book said nobody would remember except the two that are involved."

"Yeah ok, so, we have to go where he almost died to remember him again, thats at the well house. We should see if its still there-"

"It crumbled in front of us, Mike."

"The outsides may be gone, but the insides may still be there."


"Caves, Rich."

"Right, right."

"So, you two should go check. I have to stay here, I need to figure out exactly what has to be done to get our memory back."

"Isn't it just seeing the place?"

"No, its never that easy, did you bring the book with you?"

"Yeah, here," I said, giving the book to Mike.

"Ok, you go check, call me when you're done."

I nodded and we left, getting back into my car.

"So, that was shitty, we have to go back to the place I almost died at."

"I know, but it'll be worth it. Everyone will remember you and you can go back to your life with your boring ass job and wife."

That came out to aggressive, I sighed, turning the wheel to get out of Mike's parking lot.

"I don't want to go back there."

"Why not? You've been happy for twenty-seven years there, man."

"Yeah, but while I was gone I forgot about stuff I wanted to keep in my life," He sighed, talking in a low, soft voice, " I forgot about you."

I stayed silent, processing what he had just said.

"So is that like, a confession back or..?"

He giggled, smiling.

"You'll find out at some point"

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

He just smiled and looked away, grabbing my hand that wasn't on the wheel again.

I felt happy, until I saw from a distance, the well house had 'PRIVATE PROPERTY' written all over it.




"Oh fuck."


802 WORDS 


I have It1 on and I just finished watching It2. I know I KNOW I KEEP WATCHING IT I LOVE IT AHHHHH





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