Chapter Twelve

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Third Person POV


Their goodbye's were tearful, leaving everyone somewhat crying.

It was now a day later and everyone was on the way to doing what they said they were going to do, Stan was with Bill, Beverly and Ben were in the procsess of buying a boat how together, Mike had moved out of Derry, and Richie and Eddie were going to file some papers.

At first, Eddie was nervous to ask his soon to be ex wife for a divorce, but he soon got the strength to do it.

And when he did, Eddie and Richie moved in together, Richie started doing his shows again and Eddie would always get front row seats.

Richie also decided to come out, reciving a lot of support from everyone, except the bad people, but they have been holding him down for too long, he doesn't care anymore.

Eddie and Richie adpoted a dog together, a small pomeranien.

Life finally felt ok, the losers called each other frequently, and everyone was happy.

Richie was finally happy, too.
And all of that was thanks to him being so stupid, that he stole a book to revive Eddie from a coma.

If he didn't do that, things would have been a lot worse.

But, I dont want to end this on a sad note.

Richie also got his own Netflix show, Eddie was his number one supporter, and so were all the other losers.

Bill and Stanley also got together, seeing as Bill and his ex wife weren't the best fit. 

Everyone is now happy, they all got the best in the end, they all had gone through too much to not get it.

Even Richie Tozier, the trashmouth, got the most loving husband ever.


356 WORDS.

Thats the end of this fanfic! Maybe I'll start some oneshots or something, but I am really happy about this! 

This turned out better than I expected, honestly, and thanks for over 400 veiws! I loved writing this, honestly, it was the most fun with writing I've had in a while.

Thank you for reading, and thank you for listening to my dumbass write about sad gay men in their 40's.

I love you all



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