Chapter Eleven

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Told you I wasnt gonna leave this

I have brain power

I can do two things at once


The Day When Everyone Would Go To The Old Well House

Richie's POV


"You ready?"

I smiled at Eddie, nodding, the pain had set aside for now, and all of the losers were about to enter the house.

When we did, it was crowded with people, the insides looked like a shitty party from a not so well paid Middle School, the blue and purple lights flashed on the walls, making my eyes slightly burn, but that didn't matter.

"We need to find the entrance to the basement." Mike said.

"Yeah, I know, everyone split up, Eddie and I will look over here," I stated, pointing to a less crowded area, "And the rest of you can check other places, ok?"

"Why are only you and Eddie checking over there?" Stan asked, smiling.

"Shut up dipshit, now go."

They all left as we walked to the corner of the room, it had some stairs near it, going up, but not down.

"I don't think this is it."

"Yeah, no stairs."

Before I could tell him that we should just go help the others, he kissed me.

After a few seconds he let go of me, just staring.

My expression could probably be matched to someone who just saw aliens arive onto earth, complete and utter shock.

"What? Was it that bad?"

"No, no!" I said, laughing slightly, "I'm just in fucking shock, what the fuck, did you actually just do that?"

"Yes, idiot, I did."

My expression started to lean more towords confusion, now.


"Because, Richie. I've been in love with you for years. You are so fucking oblivious."

"You.. Love me?"


"Ok, ok.. Sorry, it's just kind of- shocking to find out that you're childhood crush likes you back."

"Hey, guys, we found it!" Ben said, ruining the moment.

"Ok- Coming!"

Eddie grabbed my hand as we walked to the others.

The stairs downwards were just like they were before, old and creeky, making a nasty sound everytime any weight was placed on it.

It looked just like it did, before, too.

Mike grabbed onto the 27 year old rope and let it down, "Ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

We climbed down, darkness filling our vision.

"Does someone have a flashlight?"

"Yeah, here." Beverly said.

I grabbed it, letting it clear my sight.


The place were Eddie almost died was right around the corner and I was about to have a panic attack.

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