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Trues PoV

Monday 3rd April late afternoon

I was laying on my couch all alone in silence trying to process all this nonsense that had happened in under 24 hours.
I am trying not to hate my self on how easy i have let Jadon off but I can not lose him

When I am angry I am really horrible and quite spiteful with my words and when I am angry I tend to go out of character too

I just do not wanna be hurt I want this to work which is why I am being easy on him but maybe it is to early
Ugh I do not know i have never been in a relationship before I do not know how this all works

As I was laying deep in my thoughts the doorbell rang and I knew exactly who it was, I got off the couch and opened the door
"Hi mamas boy" i say to my little baby In his car chair
"Come in" i say to Jadon

Jadon walks through our house and I follow behind him once I shut the door
I followed his directions and he placed azai car chair on the kitchen island
I walk over and I take azai out

"He is due a Feed" Jadon says with a little bit of an attitude

I just nodded at him
I then took out one of my boobs as it was quite full where I have not breast fed Azai all day
I put the nipple by his lips and soon he then latched on

"Bro what could you of not just bottle fed him" Jadon comments

"Jadon my boobs are so sore I have not breast fed him all day
If you have a problem with me FEEDING YOUR SON then look away or leave" I say carrying on feed my hungry baby

"Whatever" he commented

"Jadon what the fuck is wrong with you,
I have forgiven you for what you have done I have really sat there since you left I thought how stupid I was to do that
And now you have an attitude now i and questioning my stupid self why I let you off." I say to him

"Your actually talking like I care about it" he says

"Jadon do you know what get out I can not deal with this anymore
I am seriously done with you" i say

"Same so am I" Jadon says

"You know what I am so fucking stupid and naive
I knew you was too good to be true
I cared about you more than anything in the world and you have still hurt me
I put all of my importance on" I say to him tearing up

" you are stupid and naive" Jadon says

"I really did not mean anything to you did I Jadon?" I say my tears dropping on Azai little face

"No no you never" Jadon says

I cried uncontrollably
"Bro stop crying" he says

" I am fucking crying because I love you and I am so fucking hurt right now that I am letting you go
It is good I care about you
Cause I have no one not no one to care about me, no mom or dad or siblings
No boyfriend no friends just my self
I have to care about my self
I have to lift my self up and keep on telling myself to 'carry on' because no one else will" i say shouting at him

Azai then starts crying at us shouting at each other, it was giving me really bad flashbacks from when I was younger
My drunk parents fight other the smallest thing and me crumbling behind the door watching them argue

"Jadon you need to leave" i say to him

"Ok but I am coming back tomorrow to see my son" he says

"Okay that is fine" i reply

Jadon leaves the house and I am trying so hard to calm Azai down and he is screaming the house down
Once I calmed him down as we carried on feeding I went and sat on the couch with him resting in my arms

The love of my life 2-Jadon sancho Where stories live. Discover now