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True PoV

This morning I woke up and when I opened my eyes instantly closed them
"Ughhhh" I groaned
I then managed to open them and I looked at Jadon who was fast asleep
I laid back down and waited for him to wake up

Not too long after I felt Jadon turning over to his side so I opened my eyes and saw him looking at me
And he just smiled
"Not funny the light is hurting my eyes" I complained

Jadon just laughed
"I what the fuck was going through our head to drink" i them says

"My head" Jadon complained

"My head and my fucking legs" i say and Jadon started laughing
We both then got out of bed and we put on our clothes from last night and we made ourselves look a little presentable

We then left the hotel and got in the car
"Bae I can't listen to no music I feel like my head is going to explode" i say to Jadon as he started driving

"I really thought we was both mature" he says

"We are but we are aloud one time where we can be silly" i say to him

Eventually we arrived back home and we both went upstairs to our bedroom
"You have a bath and I will have a shower then I will go get the kids" Jadon says

"Okay" I started running myself a bath
When I got in the water Jadon got in the shower and I just watched him shower
Then he got out and placed a kiss on my lips
"Can't keep your eyes off me?" He asked

"I can never keep my eyes off you, you are just a pretty view" i say
Jadon smiled he then walked out of the bathroom and went into the closet and got dressed

"I can never keep my eyes off you, you are just a pretty view" i say Jadon smiled he then walked out of the bathroom and went into the closet and got dressed

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(Jadon outfit)

Then he came back in the bathroom and stood at rhe sink and brushed his teeth
"Alright bae I'm going to get the kids" he says coming over and he placed a kiss on my lips

"Okay" i says
When Jadon left the bathroom I started washing my hair and shaving all over my body, I got out of the bath and stood at the sink washing my face and brushing my teeth

I then went into our closet and I put on a pair of Jadon calvin klien boxers and I also took one of his hoodies
I went back in the bathroom I brushed my hair but then I just pulled the hood up and I went downstairs and laid on the couch

I turned on the tv and just chilled till Jadon came back home
"Mommyyyyyyyy" I heard Azia scream
I closed my eyes as my head was fragile
"Ziiiii" i says

He came over to me and laid on top of me and i hugged him
"You okay?" I asked him

"Yes mama" he says

"Good boy" i says

Then Jadon walked in holding Ari in his arms
"Baby girl" i say
Jadon came and sat near me
"Mama?" Azia called

The love of my life 2-Jadon sancho Where stories live. Discover now