Forty-one🦋back home🫶🏽

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Jadon PoV

We have just arrived back in Manchester and we are in the car driving to our house
True has been quite to whole journey she looks a little scared but I have just been reassuring her that everything is okay

We pulled up on our drive and there was loads of police cars there we both got out of the car
"Mr sancho, miss nemis I'm sorry about what happened" the police man said

"It's okay" i says

"If you both can go inside and check the main things that have gone missing so we can get them back" the police man says

I gave him a smile then I held true hand and we walked in the house
We checked the living room and kitchen and everything was good

We checked both Azai and Ari room and everything was also okay
Then we went into the room where I have all my trophies
"Shit they have took all my trophies and shit" i say looking around

"And your ps5" true says
We then went upstairs to our bedroom and everything was okay
We went into the closet
"All our jewellery is gone" true says

"Shit" i say

We then went back outside and I told the police the exact things that had gone missing then I went over to true
"Jadon I don't feel safe here" true says looking at me with tears in her eyes

I brought her in a hug
"We don't have to stay her baby, come let's go get some clothes and some things and we will go stay at my moms till we move somewhere else" i says to her

"Is that okay baby?" I asked her
She gave me a smile and nodded her head

We went inside and we started packing all the things we need for the kids
Then we went upstairs and started packing all the things me and true needed
We got in the car and drove to my parents house

"Hey" my mom says as she opens the door

"Hey mom, mom quick question can we stay with you for a little bit not too long please?" I asked my mom

"Yeah of course, is everything okay?" She asked

"Our house has been broken into" i tell her

"Oh baby I'm so sorry" she says to me

Me and true got all the stuff out of the car and we took it into the house
"Mamaaaa" Azia scream running towards true

True bent downs and wrapped her arm around him
"Aww my baby I miss you so much" she says to him

She then pulled away from him and stood back up but she had tears running down her face, I pulled her into a hug
"You okay?" I asked her

"I Just feel really emotional, I'm sorry" she says to me

"Babe don't apologise" i say to her
I then pulled away from her and picked up Azai

We went into the living room and trie picked up Ari
"Awhh my baby girl" she says sitting on the couch with her in her arms

Then Azia got off me and ran over to true and went and sat with them
I then joined them
"I'm so lucky to have you all" she says sounding teary

I looked at her and gave her a smile then my parents and sisters came to the couch and sat with us and I told them what happened to the house
"That's is terrible I'm so sorry that happened to you both" my dad says

The love of my life 2-Jadon sancho Where stories live. Discover now