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True PoV

We are now back home from our vacation finally, that week and a half felt like a whole year even though it wasn't
We got back quite late last night so the kids went straight to bed and so did me and Jadon

This morning I woke up as all the laundry was playing on my mind
So I got out of bed and I had a shower then I went downstairs and started doing all the laundry

It's now 8am and the kids are all still asleep but Jadon was awake
"Im gonna take to kids to my moms for a bit you wanna come?" He asked me

"No thanks I got to do all this" i say not even turning around to look at him

"Alright" he says and I heard him walk away, for some reason when me and Jadon don't talk when ever he come near me I start to shake and I feel like I can't breathe
But as soon as he walks away I can relax

After a while Azia came in the laundry room
"Hi mama" he says

"Hi my boy" i say to him

"I'm going to see grandma" he says

"Aww I hope you have a lovely time look after ace and Ari" i say to him

"Yes mama" he says
Jadon then came downstairs holding ace and Ari
I walked over and kissed ace and Ari cheek
"Have fun see you later" i say to them and then they left

I decided go and make myself and ice coffee and start cleaning the whole house
I went in all the bedrooms and changed all the bedsheets wiping everything down and even cleaning all the bathrooms

I did the landings hoovering all the rooms and the staircase then I did the playroom the kitchen and the living room and I wrote a list of the groceries we also need

Then I chilled on the couch and actually being able to drink my iced coffee
Then I heard the door shut i put my head back and closed my eyes waiting for the house to become crazy again with the kids

I felt someone sit next to me
"True?" I heard Jadon calm voice
I looked up at the ceiling before looking at him

"Where are the kids?" I asked him

"They didn't want to come home yet so they are with my mom and dad" he says
I nodded my head

"You eaten?" He asked me
I shock my head no

"You wanna go out and get or stay here?" He asked me
I just shrugged my shoulders
"How about we go out and eat then we come back and we talk because we have a lot to talk about" Jadon says

I nodded my head in agreement
"Come then" he says
We left the house and we got into his car and jadon started driving to Nando's
We arrived and we walked in and a waiter lead us to a table

Then we ordered our drinks and food
We didn't speak the whole time but it wasn't awkward because we enjoyed each other's presence and company even if that's not talking

We then arrived back home after eating and we ate now both sitting on the couch
"Jadon" I say to him

Mhm he mumbled

"I really don't think this is working" i say to him
Jadon nodded his head as he looked at me and was still nodding his head as he looked down at the floor

"It's not working and I'm sorry about that" he says

"No no it's the both of us we both can't agree on things" i say to him

"I'm gonna move out" he says
I now feel sick I wanted to scream I don't want him to leave me

"You don't have to" i say to him

The love of my life 2-Jadon sancho Where stories live. Discover now