Twenty-seven🦋saying goodbye🫶🏽

375 13 37

True PoV

Today was the day... the day Jadon is leaving

We both woke up early and the majority of the time we spent cuddling each other
Then we both got out of bed and Jadon went to have a shower whilst I was packing Jadon suitcase

All his football boots ,skin pads and loads of training clothes and also the toiletries he brought yesterday I also started packing the more essential items like his iPad, headphones, AirPods , his chargers and I also placed this picture in the case

All his football boots ,skin pads and loads of training clothes and also the toiletries he brought yesterday I also started packing the more essential items like his iPad, headphones, AirPods , his chargers and I also placed this picture in the case

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(The picture)

I then zipped up Jadon case and stood it up
Jadon then came out of the shower with a towel around his waist
He picked up a pillow
"No baby it is fine I am going to change the sheets tonight" i says

"Oh okay" Jadon says

"Actually no make the bed the sheets have your scent on" i say smirking

Jadon smiled then he started making the bed whilst he was doing that I went and had a shower

When I came out Jadon was already dressed and Azia was laying on the bed and Jadon was dressing him too

When I came out Jadon was already dressed and Azia was laying on the bed and Jadon was dressing him too

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(Jadon outfit)

(Jadon outfit)

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(True outfit)

(True outfit)

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The love of my life 2-Jadon sancho Where stories live. Discover now